To deliver VET qualifications, a trainer and assessor must have an approved trainer and assessor profile. You can access a trainer and assessor profile template in the VET app in the QCAA Portal.
All trainer and assessor profiles must include documented and verifiable evidence supporting the requirements for:
- current trainer and assessor qualifications
- vocational competency
- current industry skills
- current knowledge in competency-based training and assessment.
To deliver units identified as high risk for Years 10–12 students (i.e. units that involve competencies that are potentially physically risky or use hazardous chemicals), trainers and assessors must hold additional verifiable formal qualifications.
The high-risk units include:
- all welding units
- chemical units
- some animal handling units
- some construction units
- units that may require trainers and assessors to provide first aid, e.g. HLTAID003
- coaching units
- licensed outcome units
- units that require blue cards, e.g. childcare
- units that require vehicle licences
- units that require white cards, e.g. construction.
See Section 5 of the TAS (available in the VET app in the QCAA Portal) for more information about high-risk unit delivery requirements.