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Marketing/student information

School RTOs must:

  • advertise all VET qualifications they offer
  • ensure their marketing material reflects the requirements outlined in Clause 4.1 of the Standards.
  • ensure their TAS contains up-to-date information about which qualifications and units of competency they offer
  • keep all student information secure.

After your school RTO’s qualification offering has been registered on

  1. advertise the qualification, ensuring
    • it meets the requirements outlined in Section 1 of the TAS
    • advertising is in print and/or electronic format and is made available to students in a variety of ways, e.g. on the school website and/or as a printed brochure
    • it contains sufficient information about your school RTO and its offerings to enable students to make informed choices

    Note: You can use Sections 1–4 of the TAS to market a qualification to students.

  2. make sure that you keep secure all information that students submit when applying for, or completing, qualifications.
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