To issue students with a certificate for successfully completing a qualification, your school RTO must ensure that:
- the student is enrolled in the course
- the student holds a USI
- you have verified the student’s USI
- you have maintained data that complies with Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) and that supports issuing certificates, including enough detail to identify the
- student
- type of qualification
- type of certificate
- date the qualification was completed
- date the certificate was issued
- the certificates use templates (available in the AQF Issuance and Replacement policy and procedure in the VET app in the QCAA Portal) that comply with Schedules 4 and 5 of the Standards as well as the AQF
- you have a publicly available certificate replacement policy and procedure
- you issue students with certificates within 30 business days of the student successfully completing the qualification.
Note: If necessary, you may issue a certificate after sighting and documenting confirmation that the USI registrar has granted a student an exemption.