Secondary schools must register all students who want to enrol in General (Senior External Examination (SEE)) subject/s, before the closing date of 30 April 2025.
Fees and payment
Fee: $73.46 per subject
Schools collect the registration fee for each student. The QCAA will invoice schools in late May, after registrations have been received and processed.
If payment is not received by the date indicated on the invoice, the student’s enrolment in that subject will be cancelled.
Late registrations
Registrations received after 30 April 2025 will generally not be accepted; however, they may be granted if the following questions are explained by the principal/principal’s delegate:
- Is there sufficient time to fully engage in a General (SEE) 2019 syllabus that sets out the aims, objectives, learning experiences and assessment requirements for the subject to best prepare the student to sit the Senior External Examination in October/November?
- Is there an unforeseen situation, which is beyond the student’s control, that stopped them from registering by the closing date?
- How is tuition being provided for the student?
If a late registration is accepted, the fee will be $120.05 per subject.
If you have any questions about this process, please email
Registration process
- Download the SEE Year 12 student registrations spreadsheet (XLSX, 22.3 KB).
- Rename the spreadsheet to include your school in the filename, e.g. schoolxyz_yr12_SEE_registration.xlsx.
- Enter the relevant information for each eligible Year 12 student registering to sit a General (SEE) subject examination:
- enter the LUI and given (not preferred) name that match the student learning account
- select the subject/s the student is registering to sit (if they are registering for two subjects, please complete one row for each subject)
- enter the start and completion year for each student
- enter the reason for eligibility, i.e., the reason for not studying this subject at the school.
- Upload the completed Year 12 student registrations spreadsheet.*
Note: File extension must be xlsx or xls. - Complete the school’s name and relevant roles and contact details of the principal, principal’s delegate and external assessment (EA) coordinator. They are responsible for:
- ensuring the registrations are completed and submitted by 30 April 2025
- providing information to students
- monitoring student progress
- administering examinations for their own students including
- monitoring communications from the QCAA
- receiving and returning examination papers and materials.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).
The information you provide on this form is being collected and used in relation to the QCAA’s functions and powers prescribed under Part 2 of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014. The information will be accessed by QCAA staff, and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Information held by the QCAA is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009.