Senior secondary schooling in Queensland
The QCAA has developed the following resources for school communities to support senior pathway planning and understanding of the QCE.
Senior pathway planning

QCE: Planning your pathway (PDF, 4.7 MB)
A brochure for students preparing for learning in Years 11 and 12.
Online guide

A guide to planning your QCE pathway
An online guide for students preparing for Years 11 and 12.

Senior pathway planning: For Year 10 students (PPTX, 861.7 KB)
A PowerPoint presentation about senior pathway planning.

Plan your pathway poster (PDF, 236.9 KB)
A poster detailing important steps for students to consider when planning their senior pathway.

QCE learning options poster (PDF, 222.5 KB)
A poster showing the types of senior secondary courses students can choose and how they contribute to a QCE and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
QCE requirements

QCE requirements (PDF, 2.8 MB)
A brochure outlining QCE requirements, including learning options, credit values, and literacy and numeracy requirements
myQCE website and social media
myQCE website

The myQCE website helps students plan their pathway to a QCE, explore further study, training and career options, and access their Student Portal learning account.