The QCE Achievement Award winners for 2022 share their inspiration, goals for the future and advice to current students.
Nathan Nguyen — Cavendish Road State High School

I am inspired by my grandmother who was a nurse during the Vietnam War. She taught me the value of resilience and sacrifice, which I hope to apply in my future career and civic involvement.
Career goal
I want to become a sociocultural anthropologist and work for an organisation such as the United Nations to combat intersecting forms of marginalisation.
Study plans
I am on a gap year in Vietnam, learning new languages, and hoping to study anthropology at university next year.
Favourite subject in Year 12
English. '1984' and 'Macbeth' show that texts written tens to hundreds of years ago can remain deeply relevant.
Tips and advice for current students
Ask questions!
Jemima Bainbridge — Coolum State High School

I am inspired by (Formula One world champion) Sir Lewis Hamilton’s drive for success and his ability to remain very humble. The care he exhibits towards those around him is something that I find extremely admirable.
Career goal
To travel the world as part of a career in archaeology.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science and Arts majoring in Archaeological Science, Anthropology and Latin at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
English and Literature Extension. I love how authors use their writing to comment on the way the world works.
Tips and advice for current students
Don’t leave things until the last minute because it creates unnecessary stress.
Lachlan Munns — St Laurence's College

I love learning and helping others. I also thrive in a fast-paced team environment. After identifying these things about myself, a future in medicine was clear.
Career goal
To become a doctor and specialise in psychiatry or immunology. I would like to work in rural Australia and aid those who can’t easily access healthcare.
Study plans
Bachelor of Pharmacy with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Geography and Economics challenged me to consider complex ideas — such as why people make the decisions they do, and how the physical environment can lead to better health outcomes for communities.
Tips and advice for current students
Pick subjects that you like, get involved in non-academic activities, and give it your all, because, at graduation, you’ll have little to regret.
Aditya Anand — Brisbane State High School

During a family trip to India, I saw impoverished people suffering with little access to healthcare and knew I wanted to be someone to make a change.
Career goal
To establish a hospital that provides healthcare to impoverished people. This will be difficult, but I believe I can do it.
Study plans
Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I enjoyed the problem-solving because I found it challenging. Solving the questions was satisfying.
Tips and advice for current students
You find the magic in a subject by focusing more on understanding the topics and assessments and less on results.
Jessica Bailey — Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology

I’ve always wanted to be a positive influence in my community, and I believe medicine will enable me to do this best.
Career goal
To become a physician. I would also like to extend into medical research, especially neuroscience.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science followed by a Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics enabled me to understand many of the fundamental concepts which underpin the natural world, and I enjoy it as a versatile, exciting, and challenging field.
Tips and advice for current students
Be open to new ideas and opportunities and take on challenges, even if they seem daunting at first.
Angela Barnes — Kenmore State High School

I’d like to thank my parents for being my strongest supporters. They ensured nothing got in the way of my education. I would also like to thank my teachers and friends — their support made me push harder and stay motivated!
Career goal
To do my best in whatever I do and always strive to be the best version of myself.
Study plans
Medicine. I’ve always loved learning about the human body and its complex systems.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Psychology helped me to understand the behaviours of those around me, wider society and myself.
Tips and advice for current students
Start early and plan ahead. There’s nothing worse than not having enough time.
Aakash Bhattacharya — Mansfield State High School

My parents encouraged me to never give up and taught me the importance of never settling for less than my best effort.
Career goal
To work at a company like Google and develop technological innovations that change the world.
Study plans
A dual degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematical Methods. My teacher was inspiring and made the subject interesting for everyone.
Tips and advice for current students
Staying mentally and physically fit is much more helpful than stressing or last-minute cramming.
Yash Bordia — Brisbane State High School

Medicine is a compelling choice for me – it’s a career path where you can help someone dramatically in a time of need and form patient-care relationships.
Career goal
To specialise as a surgeon and travel around the world.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science followed by the Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Literature. I loved the opportunity to write creatively and discuss the purpose of literature in uncovering the human condition.
Tips and advice for current students
Remember to take everything one step at a time and enjoy the journey.
Lauren Chan — Somerset College

I've always wanted to help people, to interact with them and have a long-lasting, beneficial impact on their lives.
Career goal
To become a surgeon.
Study plans
Bachelor of Biomedical Science at The University of Queensland with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. I find it fascinating to learn about atoms which can be manipulated in very specific ways to make different products and achieve various functions.
Tips and advice for current students
Always try your best and make yourself proud. Focus on what you want, not what others want for you. Maintain a positive mindset.
Yuliana Chen — Brisbane State High School

I would like to thank each of my school and music teachers who helped me throughout each stage of my learning. Also, my family for always being so warm and supportive of my studies — especially my mum, dad, sister and brother.
Career goal
To become a doctor, specialise in a field that I am passionate about and form meaningful connections with the people I work with.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at the Australian National University, leading to a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery.
Favourite subject in Year 12
English and Literature Extension allowed me to delve deeply into feminist theory, which was valuable to me both inside and outside of the classroom.
Tips and advice for current students
Keep on top of your studies but take the time to rest, eat well and look after yourself. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and always stay curious!
Chloe Christofan — Brisbane State High School

I love science and always wanted to dedicate my future to caring for others. Medicine is the perfect harmony of those two things.
Career goal
To become a doctor whom patients can trust. I wish to specialise as a paediatrician and prioritise health transparency.
Study plans
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. I loved how it questioned my understanding of fundamental concepts and encouraged me to think deeply about how the world works.
Tips and advice for current students
Put your very best into your studies so that you have no regrets. Set aside time for your friends and family and remember to thank them for constantly supporting you!
Shannon Clark — Kenmore State High School

I am inspired by my friends and family who always encouraged and believed in me. I’m thankful for my teachers.
Career goal
I plan to experience a range of scientific disciplines. This way I will be able to discover what I am most passionate about.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. Science addresses my curiosity about the world, how nature impacts us and how we impact nature.
Tips and advice for current students
Be proactive. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Pursue your interests. Follow your dreams.
Julia de Beer — Mansfield State High School

My parents and my teachers inspire me as they are passionate about what they do.
Career goal
To integrate life science and computer science.
Study plans
Bachelor of Computer Science/Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Digital Solutions allowed me to pursue my interest in digital technologies and encouraged my creativity.
Tips and advice for current students
Maintain a consistent study schedule and make time each day to relax.
Harry Dickson — Brisbane Grammar School

My family, friends and teachers have all been inspirational, each person for different reasons.
Career goal
I'm keeping my options open.
Study plans
Bachelor of Commerce and Law (Honours) dual degree at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
The learning style in German contrasted with my other subjects, making it a challenging and refreshing break.
Tips and advice for current students
Work your hardest but don't only focus on your grades. When you think back on Year 12, you'll remember it for the extracurricular activities and the good times you had with friends.
Jacob Duncan — Brisbane Grammar School

My friends, family, teachers and other mentors played an invaluable role in making me the person I am today. Each of them deserves more thanks than I could give.
Career goal
To channel my love of maths into being a financial forecasting analyst, quantitative researcher or academic.
Study plans
Bachelor of Advanced Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I enjoy the certainty of Mathematics. You can be confident you got the answer correct before checking the textbook.
Tips and advice for current students
Success doesn't come without hard work. But, with the right mindset and commitment, you can achieve your goals.
Aliya Feng — Brisbane State High School

I want to make a positive impact on others, and I believe law provides the best platform for me to do that.
Career goal
To use the law as a platform to create change and help people who are most in need.
Study plans
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts dual degree at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics challenged me to think critically. An amazing teacher and great classmates made the subject even more enjoyable.
Tips and advice for current students
There's a much bigger world outside the numbers on your report card! Make the most of Year 12 and don’t forget to have fun.
Anna Georgeson — Somerset College

I am inspired by Henrietta Leavitt whose research was responsible for the first 'standard candle' — an astronomical tool. She laid the foundations of modern astronomy.
Career goal
To make a positive impact in the lives of others by becoming a neurologist.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University, progressing to a Doctor of Medicine
Favourite subject in Year 12
English and Literature Extension. I enjoyed delving into critical theory and applying different methods of literary analysis to my favourite texts.
Tips and advice for current students
Take one step at a time and balance study with leisure. It helps to develop a genuine interest in the areas you study and take pride in your effort.
Varsha Gopal — Mansfield State High School

My mother's strong work ethic inspires me to be resilient and work hard towards my ambitions. I am thankful for the support of my parents and teachers.
Career goal
To become a cardiologist.
Study plans
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) at The University of Queensland followed by postgraduate studies.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry because of the practical experiments.
Tips and advice for current students
Manage your time wisely and don’t procrastinate.
Joseph Hayes — Brisbane State High School

Maintaining a healthy balance between schoolwork and other aspects of life – such as family, friends and sport – is what got me through Year 12.
Career goal
To make a positive impact in whatever career I pursue.
Study plans
Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Chemistry at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Economics. I enjoy its applicability in everyday situations.
Tips and advice for current students
Maintain a healthy balance between schoolwork and other aspects of your life such as family, friends and sports.
William Henry — Brisbane State High School

My parents lead by example and have always inspired me to be compassionate towards people and to work as hard as I can.
Career goal
I've always loved maths and programming so intend to work in quantitative finance.
Study plans
Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science dual degree at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I found the complex unfamiliar questions difficult which, in turn, made the subject interesting.
Tips and advice for current students
Be willing to make sacrifices to achieve your goals.
Sadipa Hettiarachchi — Brisbane State High School

My peers inspire me. We push each other to try our hardest but also to have fun outside of studies.
Career goal
To explore opportunities in medicine.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and then graduate studies in medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry was the perfect mix of science and problem-solving.
Tips and advice for current students
Don't become overconfident but trust yourself to do the best you can. Remember to have fun so you don’t burn out.
David Hwang — Brisbane State High School

My friends inspired me throughout Year 12. They were very self-motivated and encouraged me to go beyond my comfort zone.
Career goal
Medicine. I want to lead and innovate in my specialist field.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Spanish because we immersed ourselves in another culture.
Tips and advice for current students
Breaking down your goals into tangible steps is the best way to make progress.
Harry Jenkins — Brisbane State High School

My source of inspiration is a melting pot of family, friends and various scholars who have revolutionised fields of study.
Career goal
I hope to find a career that maximises my intellectual fulfilment and offers me opportunities to better the world.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Economics and Laws (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Philosophy & Reason was intriguing.
Tips and advice for current students
Reflect constantly and be willing to experiment. Evaluate what works for you in terms of learning and time management.
Thomas Chun Tong Kwan — Brisbane Grammar School

In the field of medicine, I find the idea of diagnosis or problem-solving in order to find the best solutions for a variety of patients really interesting.
Career goal
To become a doctor.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics allows you to think outside the box when tackling complex questions.
Tips and advice for current students
Understand how you study so you can improve your study techniques.
Chun Tsung Lee — Anglican Church Grammar School

I am thankful for my family and how they always support me. My mother’s commitment to our family, even during trying times, inspires me.
Career goal
To study medicine and become a cardiologist.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Biomedicine followed by a Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. My teacher made the experience highly enjoyable.
Tips and advice for current students
Just do your best.
Renee Lee — Brisbane State High School

I'd like to take everything I've learnt, continue to build upon it, and use my abilities and knowledge to help create social change in the future. I also love how surgery makes a visible difference to patients' lives.
Career goal
To become a doctor and specialise in a field such as orthopaedic surgery.
Study plans
Bachelor of Physiotherapy with provisional entry to Doctor of Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Philosophy & Reason. Learning how philosophical theories and logical reasoning have influenced our society, and how they can be applied to address current issues.
Tips and advice for current students
Always take the time to step back, enjoy the present and continue to work consistently towards the bigger picture.
Chanel Li — Brisbane State High School

The healthcare industry’s role in improving lives solidified my passion for medicine.
Career goal
To specialise in a medical field that interests and challenges me, whilst participating in medical research.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Biomedical Science and then Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. Although complex and often abstract, it challenged me to think critically and emphasised the value of working with others to solve problems.
Tips and advice for current students
Year 12 is a marathon. You might become tired and need a water break, or your legs might ache, but keep your head straight, take steady breaths and keep looking towards that finish line.
John Weijin Lu — Anglican Church Grammar School

I am inspired by my parents who work extremely hard to provide for my siblings and I. I’m incredibly grateful for their efforts. This motivates me to work my hardest and return the favour in the future.
Career goal
My long-term goal is to work in a field that I enjoy and that allows me to have time for friends and family.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. My teacher was incredibly fun, and my classmates always made class enjoyable and hilarious.
Tips and advice for current students
When the going gets tough, picture yourself carefree and with no regrets at the end of the hard journey that is Year 11 and 12.
Lachie McGregor — Villanova College

I realised I wanted a career that improves the lives of others around me, and I believe medicine is the best way for me to achieve this.
Career goal
To become a surgeon.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science followed by a Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I found that racing some of my classmates was very enjoyable and increased our speed without sacrificing precision.
Tips and advice for current students
Planning exactly what you’re going to do on what days, not only allows you to get everything you want done but takes away that guilty feeling of doing nothing at all.
Callan McInerney — Villanova College

I would like to thank the academic staff at Villanova College, as well as my family and close friends who helped keep me focused and provided me with the necessary tools to achieve my goals.
Career goal
To become a surgeon who looks for innovative ways to get better outcomes for patients.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Medical Science followed by a Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics because I enjoyed the challenge, and it helped to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which I will use in my further studies.
Tips and advice for current students
Find what you are passionate about and what your purpose is, and set goals related to achieving this purpose.
Sam Meredith — Brisbane State High School

I've always loved maths and science because I enjoy figuring out how things work and interact with each other.
Career goal
To be a systems analyst or model physical processes such as fluid dynamics or chaos theory.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Maths/Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I enjoyed the problem-solving.
Tips and advice for current students
Managing your workload is really important for avoiding burnout. Start assignments early and space out studying so you don't end up overwhelmed.
Nicholas Penklis — Anglican Church Grammar School

I’d like to thank my parents for their support throughout my last year of school.
Career goal
To invent something that impacts the world in a positive way.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Engineering/Master of Engineering at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Engineering allowed me to put the theory I learnt in class into physical prototypes such as catapults and bridge structures.
Tips and advice for current students
No matter how much pressure you are under or how much the odds are stacked against you, keep on going.
Shreyas Raman — John Paul College

I have always been fascinated by engineering and solving real-world problems with mathematical and scientific reasoning. I hope to work in this field after university and make positive contributions to the world.
Career goal
To work in an engineering, scientific or logistical role.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Science dual degree at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry combines practical and theoretical content in a way that I really enjoyed.
Tips and advice for current students
Establishing positive study habits early is crucial to maintaining the level of discipline needed to achieve excellence.
Millicent Rayner — The Rockhampton Grammar School

I would like to thank my mum, dad and Year 12 teachers for their support.
Career goal
To become a doctor so that I can provide meaningful service to the community while continuing to explore my interest in science.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at The University of Melbourne followed by a degree in the medical field.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics because I enjoyed solving difficult problems.
Tips and advice for current students
Use class time effectively so you have time for extracurricular activities and hobbies.
Kate Sanderson — Australian Christian College

I’ve always wanted to be like my Pop and serve my community as a doctor. I was hospitalised at age 11 with a serious illness and the lifesaving care I received inspired me to provide the same care for others.
Career goal
To become a doctor, contribute to medical research and help under-resourced communities.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Medical Science with provisional entry to a Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Literature. Studying great works not only provided me with a deep appreciation for the classics but expanded my experience of life.
Tips and advice for current students
Find out how you learn best and try to create an environment that enables you to flourish.
Dennis Schachtner — Brisbane State High School

I would like to thank my parents for believing in me, my teachers for answering my many questions, and my friends for always being there for me when I needed them the most.
Career goal
To contribute to the research and development of technologies that will make meaningful changes in the world.
Study plans
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. I enjoyed the challenge of learning new concepts to broaden my understanding of how the universe works.
Tips and advice for current students
Your teachers and friends are there to support you through the challenging times. You are not alone.
Harry Sheppard — Ipswich Grammar School

I am inspired by my parents' hard work and dedication to their career and family. I’d like to thank my parents for their support and my school for providing me with a great education.
Career goal
Investment banking or medicine. Either way, I hope to have a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science with provisional entry into a Doctor of Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I’ve always loved maths and enjoy problem-solving.
Tips and advice for current students
Balance study and life.
Yunxi Teng — Brisbane State High School

Following a work experience placement, I was offered a job as a dental assistant. It helped to inform and confirm my decision to pursue dentistry.
Career goal
To pursue dentistry in rural communities.
Study plans
Bachelor of Dental Surgery at James Cook University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Biology and Philosophy & Reason. I’m passionate about the topics in those subjects.
Tips and advice for current students
Never be afraid to ask others for help or lean on others for support. Having that support system can go a long way in handling stress in Year 12.
Kirra Van Nispen — Brisbane Girls Grammar School

My mum is my greatest inspiration. Her ability to care for others while managing her own studies is remarkable, and I want to live up to her example.
Career goal
To become a paediatrician or neurosurgeon and use those skills as a volunteer in an organisation such as Mercy Ships Australia.
Study plans
Medicine in 2024.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. I really enjoy learning about how the world works.
Tips and advice for current students
Work as hard as possible in high school. It might not always seem like it, but the work will pay off.
Elise Wickham — All Hallows' School

A close relative's serious medical condition led me to pursue medicine in the hope I can improve the lives of those who suffer.
Career goal
To become a doctor and travel the world giving back to communities.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics because I am intrigued by the world and how we grow to understand the science and mathematics that underpin our universe.
Tips and advice for current students
Extracurricular activities are a wonderful opportunity to build creativity, confidence and a sense of efficacy.
Robert Wu — Brisbane State High School

I am inspired by my teachers because they worked tirelessly, genuinely cared for us, and wanted us to do well.
Career goal
To use software to improve the lives of as many people as possible.
Study plans
Bachelor of Computer Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. The content was fascinating, and I had a great teacher and awesome classmates.
Tips and advice for current students
Look after yourself. Don’t forget to save a bit of time each day to go for a walk.
Dashiell Young — Anglican Church Grammar School

I am thankful for the unwavering support of my school and teachers, parents, family, and friends.
Career goal
Perhaps psychiatry.
Study plans
Bachelor of Biomedical Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chinese. I really enjoyed furthering my language skills and learning more about Chinese culture.
Tips and advice for current students
Meditate before every exam.
Luke Yuan — Brisbane State High School

I've always wanted to do medicine because making a tangible impact on people's lives seems like the most rewarding way that you can live.
Career goal
Study plans
Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics challenged me with difficult concepts, questions and tasks.
Tips and advice for current students
Don't be afraid to do new things or meet new people.