The QCE Achievement Award winners for 2021 share their inspiration, goals for the future and advice to current students.
Their stories are shared with permission.
Elijah Wong — Brisbane Grammar School

I'm motivated by a love of learning and wanting to gain a deeper understanding of how to solve challenges and issues, particularly in health.
Career goal
To graduate from medical school and become an orthopaedic surgeon.
Study plans
I'll be studying Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics allowed me to think critically and challenged my ability to problem-solve.
Tips and advice for current students
You can only control the present, so own the actions that will dictate your path. And remember to enjoy the journey.
Jasmine Armstrong — Mt St Michael's College

My parents are my greatest inspiration. My mother has always inspired me by balancing a successful career in a male-dominated field and caring for her family. My father’s work as a medic in the Australian Defence Force first demonstrated to me the significant impact of healthcare on one’s quality of life and inspired me to pursue a career in this area.
Career goal
My long-term goal is to specialise in cardiothoracic surgery, anaesthesiology or neurosurgery. I would like to give back to the community through working with organisations that provide services to those who would not otherwise be able to afford them.
Study plans
I have provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Queensland. First, I’ll study for a degree in Health Sciences.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematical Methods. I loved the problem-solving aspect; how I could rearrange and work a complex language down to a single solution.
Tips and advice for current students
Do your personal best; do not compare yourself to others because everyone has different strengths and there are many pathways to achieve your goals. Also choose subjects that interest you — you are more likely to achieve when you are engaged.
Lachlan Andrews — Sheldon College

I'd like to thank my family, friends and mentors who have supported me and helped me to grow as a person throughout the last few years.
Career goal
To become a doctor and specialise in an area like critical care or surgery where I can make a difference to people's lives.
Study plans
I'm currently undertaking a Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. While also providing a challenge, Chemistry blended concepts from other subjects that I enjoyed, such as Maths, Biology and Physics.
Tips and advice for current students
Developing good study habits will help you to achieve academically and maintain a good work–life balance and avoid burnout.
Pontakorn Anulomsombat — Brisbane Grammar School

My mother was a scrub nurse, and her stories about working in medicine inspired me from a young age.
Career goal
To make new friends, explore medicine and constantly better myself.
Study plans
I will study a Bachelor of Medical Science and then a postgraduate Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. It's a super fascinating subject with limitless practical applicability, that helped me to become a critical thinker and a better problem-solver.
Tips and advice for current students
Enjoy your time at school — spend it exploring your passions and making memories. Collaboration is valuable — studying with my friends and peers has played a pivotal role in my success.
Samantha Atherton — Brisbane Girls Grammar School

I am very grateful to have had such passionate teachers who were committed to my education — they are a large part of how I stayed motivated.
Career goal
My long-term goal is to become a doctor. I'm not too sure what I want to specialise in yet.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Health Science at the Australian National University and then a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics made me think in ways I never had before.
Tips and advice for current students
Try new things! We should never shy away from doing something just because we are afraid of not being the best.
Beyas Basu — Brisbane State High School

My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passions and give it my all. I'm so grateful for their support!
Career goal
To enjoy what I do and bring positive change to the world. I'm not 100% sure on what my future will look like, but I know with hard work, anything is possible.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and hoping to progress into the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I really enjoyed German because although it was challenging at times, it was so rewarding to learn another language.
Tips and advice for current students
Everything has a way of working itself out in the end. Give it your all and have faith in yourself, you got this!
Lucy Cai — St Peters Lutheran College

Even if you don't achieve the exact result you want, the process of learning and studying is invaluable.
Career goal
To work in the medical field and improve health outcomes in my community.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland leading to a Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics because every topic was super interesting to learn about. I also had a really fun and supportive class.
Tips and advice for current students
Always remember to check in with both your physical and mental health. Set aside time for activities you enjoy and don't be afraid to ask for help or take a breather when things get stressful.
Nicholas Chang — Brisbane State High School

I take inspiration from many people around me, but my Specialist Mathematics teacher was the one who pushed me to think deeply and outside of the box.
Career goal
To travel and write code along the way.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Commerce and Computer Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics gave my brain a workout and thanks to my teachers, I was always learning new and better ways to solve problems.
Tips and advice for current students
Sleep well, and don’t forget to take a break.
Isabella Chen — Brisbane State High School

My motivation to continually learn stems from my school’s motto: Scientia est potestas (Knowledge is power). If I could grasp the reins on my learning and do my best in my studies, then I could at least secure some power to control my life.
Career goal
To undertake a multitude of volunteering activities and go wherever life takes me with my university studies. I wish to repay my parents, friends and all those who have given me so much support.
Study plans
Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. But I enjoyed all my Year 12 classes thanks to my brilliant teachers.
Tips and advice for current students
Make sure to stay healthy and get a lot of sleep.
Zoe Cumming — Moreton Bay College

I have always had a passion for STEM and a love of problem solving. Engineering represents the intersection of the areas I love most with the possibility to create positive global change.
Career goal
I hope that a degree in engineering will equip me with the skills to use technology and problem solving in a way that helps people through new medical devices or treatments, or by creating more sustainable chemical processes.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering/Master of Engineering at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. I enjoyed the challenge and the unique and different ways my teacher taught the content.
Tips and advice for current students
Work smarter, not harder. Do the subjects you love because you will be more motivated to study, find the ways you enjoy studying, and prioritise your wellbeing.
Kinjal Dani — Brisbane State High School

I am motivated by "why" — the thirst to understand the way things work and why people make particular decisions.
Career goal
I would like to complete my actuarial science qualifications and make a positive contribution to society by helping future-proof businesses and communities from threats such as climate change and COVID-19.
Study plans
Double degree in Actuarial Science and Applied Data Analytics at the Australian National University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Economics and Specialist Mathematics were my favourites because both subjects encouraged me to look beyond the problem at hand and find innovative solutions.
Tips and advice for current students
I would encourage future students to establish healthy and balanced routines.
Caine Day — St Joseph's Nudgee College

The support of my closest friends always inspired me to do my best in what I was good at and pushed me past what I used to think I was capable of.
Career goal
After university, I plan to move overseas to pursue a career in investment and fund management.
Study plans
A Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. The content was challenging and the persistence and problem-solving needed to complete assessments was extremely satisfying.
Tips and advice for current students
Scheduling your afternoons into hour-long blocks for each subject will maximise the quality of your study and ultimately get you the results you want.
Sara Fulton — Brisbane State High School

I am curious to see what my "best" is, so I study so I can achieve it.
Career goal
I would like to travel the world and live a content life.
Study plans
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Arts at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Literature. I loved analysing aspects of the human experience.
Tips and advice for current students
Use the syllabus, especially for science subjects!
Daniel Gibbon — Citipointe Christian College

I would like to thank my parents and my brother for guiding and motivating me throughout my life, always being there to support and encourage me.
Career goal
To become a surgeon and apply engineering skills to help innovate and integrate new biomedical technology into the medical field.
Study plans
I have accepted provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Queensland where I will complete an undergraduate degree in Engineering (Honours).
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics because I found the content incredibly interesting and often useful for real-world problems.
Tips and advice for current students
Focus on maintaining and improving your mental and physical health.
Mikaela Gray — Brisbane State High School

I'd like to thank all the people who, during my school years, encouraged me to try harder and harder problems and pushed me to my limits.
Career goal
I'm unsure where my career will lead, but I want to experience many different cultures through travel.
Study plans
Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Arts at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. I really enjoyed learning about the complex and minute models of atoms and molecules that form the world around us.
Tips and advice for current students
Go to as many school events and do as many extracurriculars as you can. This will allow you to fully appreciate Year 12 as the culmination and celebration of all your schooling.
Jack Griffin — Brisbane State High School

I'd like to thank all the great teachers who made the ‘hard’ subjects fun and motivated me to stick with it.
Career goal
To become a mechanical or aerospace engineer, designing or working on planes.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematical Methods. I was fortunate to have a great teacher and good friends in my class.
Tips and advice for current students
Be open to asking questions and get close to your teachers and classmates.
Cathleen Han — The Rockhampton Grammar School

My parents are my biggest inspiration. Their dedication and hard work under any circumstance influences me to work just as hard and be strong in the face of adversity.
Career goal
I hope to complete a medical degree and work in a specialty that I am passionate about.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine at Monash University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. It was both challenging and fun — when you resolve a problem that initially seemed impossible, the satisfaction you feel is unparalleled.
Tips and advice for current students
What’s important is how you use your study time, not how long you study. Learn how to work effectively and efficiently, know exactly what study techniques work for you and stay organised.
William Harris — Anglican Church Grammar School

I'm inspired by teachers, parents, and family and friends. But more importantly, it is the people who believe in, and hold high expectations of, me.
Career goal
To specialise in a field of medicine.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University followed by a Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I liked the process of using different methods and concepts to break down a complicated problem.
Tips and advice for current students
Whenever teachers make themselves available, tap into their knowledge and assistance, and always ask lots of questions.
Annabelle Hazelton — St Rita's College

I really enjoyed senior school because I was able to choose the subjects that I enjoyed and was interested in, which motivated me to learn and study.
Career goal
To become a doctor. I am excited to experience the diverse areas of medicine and find a specialty I'm passionate about.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science before a Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
German Extension. I loved being able to apply my German language skills in an assignment on a topic of my choice.
Tips and advice for current students
Maintain a consistent, balanced lifestyle. Try to incorporate healthy ways to manage stress such as exercise and fun — don't sacrifice the activities that bring you joy.
Maximilian Hepperlin — Brisbane State High School

My mother, a first-generation immigrant who fled from political conflict in Laos, continues to inspire me every day.
Career goal
I want to make meaningful reform in the economic system to address the failures and issues to improve the lives of all people.
Study plans
Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Economics and Specialist Mathematics. I believe understanding economics is the key to understanding the way people live, and I'm passionate about problem-solving with logic and abstract thinking.
Tips and advice for current students
I would encourage all students to understand their 'why' — the ultimate motivation or end goal in your life which is derived from your values and identity.
Chung-Wei Hsu — Somerset College

I'm motivated by the sense of achievement I get when I overcome various challenges and develop in-depth understanding in different areas of knowledge.
Career goal
To use knowledge to create a visible and positive impact in the community.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine double degree at The University of Sydney.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. The content was fascinating and it allowed me to gain insights into the maths that underpins the world around us.
Tips and advice for current students
Having a comprehensive understanding of what you want to achieve is important to be effective in reaching your goals.
Yue Huang — Brisbane State High School

Everyone has strengths and their strengths inspire me to learn from them.
Career goal
To develop an app that helps different types of learners to learn more efficiently and make their learning experience more enjoyable.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering and Science at the University of Sydney.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Economics. It's very relevant to the world around us and I enjoyed writing and researching about free trade and globalisation.
Tips and advice for current students
I highly recommend good management of time and a balanced lifestyle.
Orlando-Sebastian Hunter — Brisbane Boys' College

The people who inspire me the most are my closest friends — each of them is so intelligent and creative in different ways. I would not be where I am if it were not for my friends always telling me to push myself.
Career goal
To continue my pursuit of academic knowledge and, eventually, become a doctor.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University, with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Although Specialist Mathematics is certainly difficult, it taught me various problem-solving skills and allowed me to collaborate with my peers in an awesome team environment.
Tips and advice for current students
One word: consistency. If you want to achieve amazing results, you need to learn to build good study habits. Whether it's once a week, only on weekends, or 15 minutes a day, I recommend you create a schedule to suit your study needs.
Henry Lau — Brisbane State High School

I'm inspired by people who push the boundaries of human knowledge.
Career goal
To discover the best version of myself and fulfilment in the work I do.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. Although the content was interesting and challenging, I found that I mostly enjoyed the classroom atmosphere with my friends.
Tips and advice for current students
Give it your best shot, learn from any setbacks, and care for yourself.
Ethan Lee — Brisbane Grammar School

I would like to thank my family and friends. Without their undying support I would not be where I am today.
Career goal
Eventually become a doctor and maybe specialise. I want to have a tangible difference in the world and see the effects of my contributions to the workforce.
Study plans
I am starting a Bachelor of Science majoring in Biomedicine at The University of Queensland as a part of the Doctor of Medicine provisional entry program for school leavers.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. I loved exploring quantum physics and scratching my head over relativity.
Tips and advice for current students
Surround yourself with people you love, and always have a strong support network made of family, teachers and especially classmates. Constant collaboration and feedback with your peers greatly boosts your confidence going into exams or assessments and is absolutely essential to succeeding in high school.
Luke Liu — Brisbane Grammar School

I've always wanted to make a contribution to society and becoming a doctor fulfils that dream.
Career goal
I want to enter the medical field and explore the diverse range of possibilities available to me during my medical course at university.
Study plans
The provisional Doctor of Medicine program at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics because I could explore complex concepts from different angles.
Tips and advice for current students
When you are trying to learn something difficult, don't spend all your time on memorising everything. Focus on truly understanding the concept, everything else will come naturally after that.
Hayden Lloyd — Padua College

A mentor helped me realise what was most important to myself, and which pathway would cater to my values.
Career goal
Complete an electrical apprenticeship and progress towards becoming a licensed electrician.
Study plans
Cert III Electrotechnology Electrician at TAFE.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Biology, as my teacher made lessons very interactive and engaging.
Tips and advice for current students
Study hard, get on top of assignments early and keep your career options open. Manage your time effectively to maintain a healthy school–life balance.
Roger Look — Brisbane Grammar School

My friends, teachers and family have always been people I can look up to and approach for support.
Career goal
To study well at university and maintain close relationships with the people around me.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland and then medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry engages with many aspects of real-life that I feel will become relevant as I continue into my future studies.
Tips and advice for current students
Remember that you've been through all of these years of school; try your best to make something of your effort in your final year.
Ethan Marsden — The Gap State High School

I enjoy competition, so the immense dedication and high achievements of others motivate me to study and perform my best.
Career goal
Research in the biomedical engineering sector.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering and Mathematics at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. Challenging, rewarding and engaging.
Tips and advice for current students
You can't have everything; sacrifices must be made.
Claudia McPherson — Matthew Flinders Anglican College

I am passionate about helping connect people and technology, as well as the innovation and problem-solving aspect of engineering.
Career goal
To connect with other like-minded peers and work out what I want to do in my career in STEM.
Study plans
Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. My teacher was engaging, and the classwork was interesting.
Tips and advice for current students
Don't worry too much about the future — focus on doing what you love.
Diane Nguyen — Brisbane State High School

My mum's incredible selflessness and sacrifice inspires me not only to work diligently and make the most of opportunities, but to always act with integrity and altruism.
Career goal
To devise unique and considered solutions to humanitarian and diplomatic issues.
Study plans
Humanities and Law at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics and Philosophy encouraged me to think critically and appreciate the role logical reasoning plays in solving problems — from modelling the motion of objects to ethical dilemmas.
Tips and advice for current students
Studying shouldn't be a chore, but an opportunity to develop personal skills and gain a deeper understanding of how the world operates.
Johnny Nguyen — Brisbane State High School

I'm motivated by a desire to improve.
Career goal
To become a specialist doctor.
Study plans
Bachelor of Biomedical Science leading to a Doctor of Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. The content was interesting, and my friends made it enjoyable.
Tips and advice for current students
Prepare early. Don't leave assignments for later and be consistent with study.
Emma Nipperess — Southport State High School

I was motivated to do well enough in school so that I could choose to do whatever I wanted afterwards.
Career goal
To get a job that I enjoy and can travel with.
Study plans
Computer Science/Master of Data Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematics was the most fun and there is always a right answer.
Tips and advice for current students
Pay attention in class and listen to what your teachers have to say.
Aaron Palmer — Toowoomba Grammar School

I thank my parents for the sacrifices they made to send me to such great schools, and my very supportive friend group who made school enjoyable.
Career goal
To become a doctor and work towards specialising in a field that interests me.
Study plans
Biomedical Sciences at the University of Southern Queensland followed by postgraduate studies.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry because I was in a very small class with an amazing teacher, which made for a very enjoyable environment to both learn and have fun conversations.
Tips and advice for current students
Work hard and aim high.
Geordan Papacostas — St Joseph's College (Brisbane)

A large part of my academic drive comes from my family's humble beginnings in Australia. Having lived alongside my Greek migrant grandparents for the duration of my life, I have learnt the importance of hard work, commitment and providing for one's family.
Career goal
To become a specialist doctor.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University with direct entry into postgraduate medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics because it was an opportunity to really challenge yourself and push the boundaries of your knowledge.
Tips and advice for current students
Have grit and be ruthlessly accountable to yourself.
Patrick Perrier — Villanova College

Since a freak footy accident in Year 7, I have had countless surgeries to fix my leg. The interactions with my surgeon and the field of orthopaedics really captivated me — steering me to pursue a career in medicine and orthopaedics.
Career goal
To become a leading orthopaedic surgeon.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. Approaching problems in new ways, building incredible pace and precision in problem-solving, and working with my teacher to explore every potential application of the mathematics in the syllabus was very fun.
Tips and advice for current students
My advice is to ensure you put the work in early, set yourself up for success from the beginning of the year and stay on top of the workload in each of your subjects. But also take time for yourself and hang out with your mates.
Daniel Quill — The Gap State High School

I am motivated to study by my insatiable curiosity and true passion for learning. I love expanding my knowledge, pushing myself to learn and grow as an individual.
Career goal
To continue to grow, regardless of my circumstances, and develop as an individual, a student and a global citizen.
Study plans
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematical Methods. It humbled me often and reminded me that I can achieve anything through dedication and effort.
Tips and advice for current students
Give high school your all. There is nothing worse than walking out of an assessment knowing you could have done more.
Proshot Rafiee — Brisbane State High School

My biggest inspiration is my mother, whose kindness, strength and courage inspires and motivates me every day.
Career goal
To approach new things with an open mind and to expand my world view through new and exciting experiences.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics challenged me and made me see things from a different perspective. I also had a great teacher who made concepts seem interesting and relevant.
Tips and advice for current students
View every experience as a chance to broaden your mind and develop your character.
Margil Rajaji — The Rockhampton Grammar School

The numerous sacrifices made by my parents and the incredible dedication and enthusiasm shown by my high school teachers really inspired me to work hard in my academics.
Career goal
To become a doctor and provide care to vulnerable or disadvantaged communities around Australia.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. I really enjoyed the challenge it provided and loved how it had the perfect link between physics and mathematics.
Tips and advice for current students
Stay consistent in your studies throughout the year and never compare yourself to others.
Rosalita Rosenberg — Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology

I'm motivated by the thrill of feeling facts click into place and the euphoric moment of understanding.
Career goal
To explore the areas in which maths can be applied, such as biology, computer science, and linguistics.
Study plans
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Science at the Australian National University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematics. For me, maths is like a book. At first, I have no idea what's going on, how the characters know each other, or why they're important. As I read further, the characters become more familiar, and I realise that everything is connected.
Tips and advice for current students
Have a release from school, whether that's going to the gym or playing an instrument.
Ho Shim — Brisbane State High School

My mum is my inspiration — her work ethic and adventurousness are qualities that I strive to achieve.
Career goal
To contribute to research in clinical neuroscience.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science followed by Doctor of Medicine at the University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
English & Literature Extension. Each of the research assignments was an opportunity to dive into real-world topics to depths you simply wouldn't have time for in other subjects.
Tips and advice for current students
Even if you aren’t sure of the future and what you want from it, working hard at whatever you are doing will always pay off.
Cara Siren — Clayfield College

I was constantly amazed by how dedicated my teachers were. They worked tirelessly to help me achieve my best.
Career goal
To become a doctor and channel my love for learning and dedication to understanding the subtle intricacies of science into completing research.
Study plans
Bachelor of Biomedicine then Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry. It's ability to explain all natural phenomena is incredibly intriguing to me.
Tips and advice for current students
Learning is more than simply memorising content. Always try to link theoretical principles to the contemporary world to gain a deeper understanding of what you are learning.
Darcie Spina — Gilroy Santa Maria College (Ingham)

My motivation comes from the long-term goals I set for myself and wish to achieve.
Career goal
To complete my medicine program at The University of Queensland and travel overseas.
Study plans
Doctor of Medicine provisional entry for school leavers at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. Although it was challenging, the content we learnt was really interesting!
Tips and advice for current students
Try your hardest. I firmly believe any effort will be rewarded.
Thomas Strooper — Brisbane Grammar School

I would like to thank my senior school teachers for making my studies interesting and engaging.
Career goal
I've always been interested in coding, software and making video games, so I knew that software engineering would suit my interests and allow me to enter many different professions.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics. The topics interested me, and I found it relevant to my coding and software development hobbies.
Tips and advice for current students
You learn best when you learn about topics you enjoy. Choose your subjects to suit your interests.
Zachary Thompson — St Joseph's College (Brisbane)

I owe my success to the dedication of my parents and teachers, and to the support and inspiration I gained from my peers.
Career goal
To engage in the clinical and research aspects of a career in medicine and to have a positive impact on patients' lives through my work.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry was an enjoyable combination of problem-solving like that encountered in maths, with meaningful science and scientific principles that can be observed and encountered in everyday life.
Tips and advice for current students
Maintaining your physical and mental health throughout the year is crucial for success.
Vivian Toh — Brisbane State High School

I'm motivated by the opportunity to test the limits of my capabilities and the question: "What is possible if I put in my best effort?"
Career goal
To pursue a career in the medical field, but most importantly to find fulfilment in my job and to remain grateful for the people around me.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at The University of Queensland with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics helped to demystify and explain the interesting quirks of our universe.
Tips and advice for current students
Remember to put things into perspective — the world is wide, and there are so many opportunities waiting to be seized within but also beyond school.
Kai Weith — Coolum State High School

I chose to pursue an electrical engineering career in the military due to my eagerness for leadership skills, friends and structure — in addition to the intrinsic pride of serving the country.
Career goal
To graduate as an officer in the Royal Australian Navy, pursue an electrical engineering submariner career and become an entrepreneur later in life.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) at the University of New South Wales, Canberra Campus, Australian Defence Force Academy.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics and Specialist Mathematics were challenging but rewarding. Physics was a beautiful union of applied maths and science to model phenomena.
Tips and advice for current students
Establish a study structure and morning routine that maximises learning time and effective information intake.