Under the DSE, educational authorities such as the QCAA and education institutions such as schools, and other learning providers are obliged to make, and are responsible for consulting with students and parents/carers about, AARA.
6.3.1 Schools
Each school is responsible for administering assessment within the requirements of the relevant syllabus and meeting quality assurance processes for subjects — Applied, Applied (Essential), General, General (Extension) and General (Senior External Examination) — and Short Courses. In making decisions about AARA, schools are required to consider what access arrangements or adjustments to assessment conditions are reasonable in the context of the eligible student’s disability, impairment, medical condition or circumstances. Schools work in partnership with medical practitioners, where possible and relevant, to make educational adjustments that allow students to equitably demonstrate their learning and undertake assessment.
AARA are considered for all the student’s enrolled subjects. AARA may vary by subject depending on the assessment requirements of the subject (see Section 6.4.2: Application and notification process).
Where an application for QCAA-approved AARA is required, schools:
- check the accuracy of information supplied in the AARA application
- consider whether a student’s application for AARA is consistent with eligibility requirements and clarify with QCAA officers as required
- complete the online application and submit supporting documentation by the due date via the QCAA Portal
- advise the student, parents/carers and assessment supervisor of any principal-reported and QCAA-approved AARA, including providing them with any written notifications from the QCAA
- advise any other learning providers who might be affected by the AARA applied for.
The principal or principal’s delegate may appoint a suitable school staff member who is familiar with the student, or a team that can consult those most familiar with the student, to manage applications for AARA.
For summative internal and external assessment, when a student is enrolled with more than one learning provider, the MLP is responsible for submitting the application for AARA on behalf of the student. For information about MLPs, see Section 13.1.2: Using the QCAA Portal.
Schools may contact the QCAA for more information about AARA by emailing aara@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
6.3.2 QCAA
The QCAA sets and amends the directions for assessment under its powers and functions listed in the QCAA Act and QCAA Regulation. The QCAA is authorised to approve AARA for summative internal assessment, external assessment, and assessment in Short Courses and General (Senior External Examination) subjects.
- supports schools, students and parents/carers in understanding eligibility and the application process for AARA
- consults with relevant school staff about student applications for AARA
- monitors notifications of principal-reported AARA from schools
- determines QCAA-approved AARA and notifies schools of decisions via the QCAA Portal.