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6.1 Principles

The following principles inform the decisions schools make about AARA.

  • Consultation — Schools make decisions throughout the application for, and implementation of, AARA in consultation with the eligible student, parents/carers, relevant school staff, relevant medical and allied health professionals and the QCAA. Schools ensure they respect the dignity and privacy of the student, parents/carers and associates, and use the least intrusive adjustments supported by medical recommendations and school-based evidence to mitigate the functional impact of the student’s condition during their assessment.
  • Timeliness — consultation about AARA should occur as early as possible so that eligible students are supported appropriately to participate in, and complete the requirements for, a course of study and assessment. Schools identify and minimise barriers that prevent students from demonstrating their current knowledge and skills on the same basis as other students. Reasonable adjustments are made to assessment conditions (see the DSE Section 3.4) to offer all students opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in assessment.
  • Standards-based assessment — The relevant syllabus standards or ISMGs are used to make judgments about student achievement and may not be modified. The school is required to maintain the intent and rigour of assessment (see Section 8.1: Understanding academic integrity) and any other requirements or components that are inherent or essential to a course of study (see the DSE Section 3.4). Achievement is assessed using evidence provided in student responses, rather than perceived ability or potential achievement.
  • Effects of AARA — Schools consider the effects of AARA on the student’s ability to achieve learning outcomes, participate in courses of study, and demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Students should have opportunities to participate in each assessment as independently as possible with the least intrusive adjustment, and must demonstrate a response to assessment that is their own work. AARA are applied on a case-by-case basis, with both the individual student needs and the assessment technique or task for each subject taken into consideration. Schools consider the identified disability, impairment and/or medical condition and the functional impact on the student’s capacity to undertake particular requirements of an assessment. A student may not need adjustments for some assessment techniques or instruments, and may need different adjustments in different assessments.
  • Monitor — Schools monitor the AARA provided, assessing whether changes are needed over the duration of a student’s schooling to allow for their changing needs over time. AARA are specific to the individual needs of each student, subject and assessment instrument.

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