1 | School applies to the QCAA to Become an RTO |
2 | QCAA reviews application and contacts school |
3 | QCAA auditor is assigned |
4 | QCAA conducts school site audit and determines compliance |
5 | QCAA requests RTO code from ASQA |
6 | School registered as an RTO |
QCE & QCIA handbook
- 1 Senior schooling in Queensland
- 2 Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- 3 Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
- 4 Queensland curriculum
- 5 Vocational education and training (VET)
- 6 Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA)
- 7 The assessment system
- 8 School assessment policies
- 9 Internal assessment — Quality assurance
- 10 External assessment
- 11 Determining and reporting results
- 12 Roles and responsibilities
- 13 Administration