13.2.1 Access and roles
Access to the Student Management application is managed by:
- Access Management Organisation Administrators (for schools)
- the QCAA (for non-school RTOs and other contributing study providers).
To gain access to the Student Management application in the QCAA Portal the Access Management Organisation Administrator assigns the role of Student Management Administrator to the appropriate person/s in the school.
The Student Management Administrator/s manages their school’s data.
In the Student Management application, the confirmed Principal is required to approve subject offerings, including flexible delivery options that require the principal’s consideration and approval (see Section 4.2.2: Flexible delivery). To perform any other role or function in the Student Management application the Principal needs to be granted the Student Management Administrator role.
The role of Student Management Read Only allows assigned staff at the MLP to read all information, but not change it.
13.2.2 Learning providers' responsibilities
Learning providers have specific responsibilities for managing student learning accounts and the data that is entered into or reported from these accounts. They are responsible for maintaining accurate and current information, and ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of students’ personal and academic details in the Student Management application.
Schools have responsibilities related to the issue of SEP to students, as outlined in the Senior secondary certification agreement and in this handbook. Schools can:
- open learning accounts to generate learner unique identifiers (LUIs) (see Section 13.2.4: Students and registration)
- create subject offerings (including IB)
- be a student’s main learning provider (MLP).
Other learning providers record information as required. Some functions of the Student Management application can only be accessed by schools or the MLP.
Main learning provider
The MLP manages the learning account for registered students. This responsibility is derived from the pastoral care obligation schools have to their learners and is associated with the compulsory learning participation requirement.
If a student has a current school registration, they must have an MLP. The MLP must:
- be a school
- be the student’s only MLP at any one time
- be declared, on the student’s school registration, as the student’s MLP
- maintain student learning accounts.
The MLP can:
- view all information in a learning account, including registrations, enrolments and results
- edit all student information (personal, demographic and contact information)
- edit information about a student’s registration and enrolments, including their intended learning outcome (ILO)
- enter and access QCIA information
- access external assessment results for students
- view projected eligibility for a QCE or QCIA
- use the QCE eligibility tool.
Other learning providers
Schools and other organisations that are not an individual student’s MLP can:
- register and enrol students
- close enrolments and registrations
- record results as they become available
- view, but not add or alter, information about students registered to their organisation, including
- registration history
- MLP status and contact details
- ILO.
In addition to their learning provider or MLP responsibilities, schools that are RTOs can create templates for vocational education and training (VET) qualifications.
13.2.3 Managing data
Learning providers are responsible for maintaining currency of their information and for adhering to procedures and due dates. Due dates for submission of student data are communicated to schools and learning providers at the beginning of each academic year via the SEP calendar. The learning provider manages enrolments and records results for studies completed at their organisation through the QCAA Portal. No learning provider is able to change information that has been recorded by another learning provider.
The QCAA is only able to change information in the Student Management application in specific circumstances.
Submitting data
Data may be submitted by the student’s learning provider/s as well as sources such as the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) and Department of Education (DoE). Data may be submitted using multiple methods, depending on the nature and source of the data:
- data file upload or import
- direct manual input into the Student Management application
- DoE webservice, if a school has an information management system that has the capability to connect to web services.
Data is exported from the Student Management application to the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) and student learning accounts (see Section 11.3: QCAA reporting responsibilities).
If unforeseen circumstances prevent a school or learning provider from submitting enrolments or results data by the dates published in the SEP calendar, the principal or principal’s delegate must email certification@qcaa.qld.edu.au immediately. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, an extension cannot be granted for submission of results data for summative internal assessment.
For more information about importing files, see the quick steps available via the Help section of the QCAA Portal home page or in the Student Management application.
Ensuring accuracy of student information
Learning providers must ensure the accuracy of students’ personal, enrolment and results information. Schools are required to implement specific processes as part of the school quality management system, to ensure the accuracy of data before submitting it, including internal summative assessment results and samples for confirmation.
If a school finds that an error has occurred in their data entry after a specified closing date, the principal or principal’s delegate emails the QCAA at certification@qcaa.qld.edu.au to:
- explain the error
- identify each student involved with their full name and LUI
- list the incorrect and correct student data for each student identified
- attach evidence or materials requested in electronic files as appropriate.
A QCAA officer will liaise with the principal or principal’s delegate to amend student data as appropriate.
If the school needs to change a student’s ILO to QCIA, the principal must apply to the Manager, QCE and QCIA Unit by emailing qcia@qcaa.qld.edu.au (see Section 3.2.1: Registering students for a QCIA pathway and Section 12.1: Principal).
13.2.4 Students and registration
These functions are described together, although they are presented as separate function tabs in the Student Management application, since student learning accounts can be opened and searched from either tab in different ways.
Learning accounts
Learning accounts are generally opened by schools in the Student Management application. The learning account is opened in the 12 months before a student turns 16 or in the 12 months before they complete Year 10 or after this time in the case of an interstate or overseas transfer student. The opening of the learning account generates a LUI and registers the student with that learning provider. The LUI is a 10-digit number linked to the learning account where registrations, enrolments and results are reported.
Registrations, enrolments and results can only be recorded and QCE credit accrued when a student’s learning account is open.
The Director-General, DoE can open accounts for students registered with the Home Education Unit and in certain other situations.
Students should only have one learning account. Before registering a student, the learning provider conducts a search to check if they have an existing learning account to avoid creating a duplicate. If a possible duplicate learning account is identified, the learning provider uses the Student Management application to request a duplicate learning account review. The QCAA will notify the learning provider of the outcome via the application homepage.
Learning accounts remain open for nine years or until a QCE is issued. A person may apply to the QCAA to have the account reopened.
Students log in to the Student Portal via myQCE to access their learning account, which contains information about their ILO, registration, enrolments, results, QCIA eligibility or projected QCE eligibility. They can monitor their progress towards their ILO. Students contact their school with questions related to their learning account.
Students can have registration with more than one learning provider at the same time. To register a student’s learning account with a new learning provider, the learning provider uses the Student Management application to submit the required information. Learning providers may use the methods outlined in Section 13.2.3: Managing data. They will be required to include mandatory fields, including student details, registration date, ILO and exit year.
Learning providers can view all registrations for the learning account but can only edit their own registration details.
Schools will have the option to nominate as, or cease to be, a student’s MLP. As the MLP, they will be able to view all registrations for the student.
Ceasing registration
When a student leaves a learning provider, the learning provider must enter the student’s results in the Student Management application before entering a cease date to end the student’s registration.
For QCAA subjects, the school enters results for completed units (Unit 1 or Unit 2), completed Short Courses and for all subjects, the results for completed summative internal assessments. They remove enrolment from any unit where there is no assessment result recorded. If one assessment in a unit is not completed before ceasing registration, they enter did not administer (DNA). Not rated (NR) is entered if assessment was administered and there was no evidence of a response to the assessment. For further information see Section 9.7.1: Preparing for confirmation and Section 11.1: Determining results.
For VET qualifications, the learning provider enters results for units of competencies.
For students leaving a Queensland school after completing Semester 1 or 2 of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), the school makes a judgment of Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or NR and enters a result for Unit 1 and/or 2 (see Section 2.2.1: Core courses of study)
If the student does not continue studies in a subject or course, results for any completed Units 1 and/or 2 results or VET competencies will be used to determine QCE credit.
Death of a student
In the event of the death of a student, the MLP records all information required to cease the enrolment of a student, including any completed studies. They then edit the student’s personal details, which ceases the registration. Contact the Manager, Certification Unit for further advice by emailing certification@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
13.2.5 Enrolments and results
Subject offerings
Each year schools create in the Student Management application, a subject offering for every QCAA subject or Short Course, IB subject and VET (school RTOs) to be offered to a cohort of students. Schools select a start year and a completion year and for Applied (Essential) subjects, the phase for completion of the common internal assessment (CIA).
The principal’s approval is required by the date published in the SEP calendar when selecting any enrolment option that is a variation to the standard pattern of delivery in:
- order of assessment or
- start date or
- completion date (see Section 4.2: Delivery approaches to curriculum).
Any changes to subject offerings, including changes to the order of assessment after the due date, must be completed by the QCAA.
To request changes, email the Manager, Quality Assurance Unit at qau@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
Ceasing subject offerings
Schools may decide to cease offering a subject. If there are no student results recorded for any unit, the school can delete the subject in the Student Management application for that cohort. If there are recorded results for Unit 1 or 2 and the school wishes to discontinue offering the subject, they need to edit the enrolment to remove students from that subject offering.
If a school deletes a subject offering, any assessment they have developed for endorsement in the Endorsement application will also be deleted. Schools are encouraged to contact the QCAA before ceasing subject offerings for Unit 3 and 4.
Enrolling students
Schools use the Student Management application to enrol students in subject offerings and, where applicable, IB offerings (for approved Queensland IB schools) and VET qualifications (if offered) by the dates listed in the SEP calendar. This includes enrolment in General (Extension) subjects and any variation to the order of internal assessments.
Schools select the students’ type of enrolment, subject offering and exit year, following the prompts or the quick step guide for subject enrolments, located in the Help section of the application.
Schools can edit subject enrolments for students enrolled in a subject at their school. While the MLP can see subject enrolments at other organisations, they cannot edit them. If the school is an RTO or the MLP, they will see all VET enrolments recorded at all organisations for the learning account. RTOs can only edit their own data.
Individual variations
There are a number of situations where there will be a variation to standard enrolment in a subject. The following are examples of situations that may require the school to seek advice from the Quality Assurance Unit at qau@qcaa.qld.edu.au, the QCE and QCIA Unit at QCEforschools@qcaa.qld.edu.au or the Certification Unit at certification@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
- Flexible delivery — If enrolling an individual student in a flexible delivery option such as variable progression rate (VPR), the school selects the appropriate start year and completion year for each subject offering. For example, for a student completing senior schooling over three years (VPR), the school selects the appropriate start year and completion year for each subject, ensuring that Units 3 and 4 are completed as a pair with the same completion year. The student may complete some subject offerings from the same start year and completion year and the remaining subjects in a subject offering with a different start year and completion year. The completion year may be before the student’s exit year.
- Repeating — If enrolling a student to repeat Unit 1, Unit 2 or the Unit 3 and 4 pair, the school may need to select a subject offering with a different start year and completion year for the units to be repeated.
Interrupting studies
There may be circumstances when some students have an interruption to their senior schooling studies. They may have personal circumstances or wish to engage in studies overseas.
In any circumstance, students need to meet the usual requirements. If a student interrupts studies to complete some studies overseas, they can apply to have those studies contribute to a QCE in the same way as an overseas transfer student. No matter what the reason for the interruption to studies, for General, General (Extension), Applied and Applied (Essential) subjects, a subject result will only be awarded for completion of all Unit 3 and 4 learning and assessment requirements completed as a pair in a single year. Therefore, students wishing to complete the Unit 3 and 4 pair for a subject must be enrolled in a subject offering for a cohort, for example Unit 3 and 4 English 2024–2025. They are not able to split the pair of units over two cohorts, for example Unit 3 English 2023–2024 and Unit 4 English 2024–2025.
Ceasing enrolment and changing subjects
Students may discontinue studies in a subject at a school, change subjects, or transfer to another school that may or may not offer the same subject. Schools are responsible for accurately entering the required information about these changes in a timely manner in the Student Management application.
If a student discontinues studies in a subject, the school enters the results for any completed units and assessment as required and removes the enrolment from any units the student will not complete. For Units 3 and 4, the school enters a DNA for any assessment the student will not complete.
If a student does not continue studies in a subject and has partially completed the Unit 3 and 4 pair in an Applied, Applied (Essential), General or General (Extension) subject (including some assessment that may be recorded in the Student Management application), they will not receive a final subject result and therefore they will receive no QCE credit for the Unit 3 and 4 pair. If the student continues studies at another learning provider, the new learning provider follows the procedures for transfer students in Section 13.2.5: Enrolments and results.
Changing subjects and VET enrolments — any changes may affect QCE eligibility and will prompt a message in the Student Management application. For further information about changing subjects, see Section 8.2.1: Engaging in learning and assessment. Before allowing students to change subjects, schools consider the impact on completing requirements for the original subject, achieving a result for the new subject and completed Core requirements for a QCE. The school enters results for Unit 1 or Unit 2 if completed.
For further information about completing course and assessment requirements for QCE credit, see Section 8.2.1: Engaging in learning and assessment or contact the Quality Assurance Unit at qau@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
Transfer students
A transfer student is a student who has commenced senior secondary schooling and changes learning providers. Students may transfer between Queensland schools or from interstate or overseas schools. The enrolment offerings chosen should be considered in relation to the students intended learning option (ILO). For further information about transfer students see Section 2.5: Transfer students, Section 8.2.1: Engaging in learning and assessment and Section 11.2: School reporting responsibilities.
Intrastate transfers
A student who transfers from a learning provider within Queensland will already have a learning account. The account will include results, which have been recorded in the Student Management application by the student’s original school or other learning providers, for any completed units of study for Unit 1 or 2, completed summative internal assessments, or completed VET competencies. This information should have been recorded by the original school before ceasing the registration of the student.
If the student has QCIA as their ILO, see Section 3.2.2: Curriculum plans or email qcia@qcaa.qld.edu.au for advice.
For QCAA subjects, the original school:
- does the following before ceasing the student’s registration
- enters the student’s results for completed units and assessment as required
- removes the student’s enrolment from any units they will not complete at the original school
- enters a DNA for any assessment for Units 3 and 4 that the student will not complete at the original school
- may be required to submit student work as a sample for confirmation if the provisional results for the student were recorded in the Student Management application prior to ceasing enrolment in the subject and the student transferring to another school
- retains student work as required by Section 13.3: Retaining records and student work and provides it if requested by the student or the new school.
The new school:
- discusses the student’s pathway, ILO and prior learning and contacts the original school if needed
- considers this information and the school’s subject offerings before choosing to enrol the student in subjects
- uses the student’s existing LUI to register, enrol and report results in the Student Management application
- requests student work from the original school if required to make a judgment when the student finishes Unit 1 or Unit 2 or, for Applied subjects, Units 3 and 4.
If a student is unable to continue a subject at the new school, the original school may, in certain circumstances, continue their enrolment in that subject as a learning provider even if the student has a new MLP. For example, when a student studying a General subject as an alternative sequence transfers to a new school during the second pair of units (the summative units) and the new school does not offer the alternative sequence, the new school will not be able to enrol the student in the alternative sequence of the parent General subject, as a school cannot offer both the parent General subject and the alternative sequence. If the student wishes to complete the subject, the new school may need to arrange another learning provider by approaching the student’s original school or another school that offers the alternative sequence.
For information about QCE eligibility and meeting completed Core requirements, see Section 2.1: Eligibility for a QCE or email QCEforschools@qcaa.qld.edu.au. For more information about transfer students, see Section 8.2.1: Engaging in learning and assessment.
Interstate and international transfer students
All students in Queensland schools need to be registered and have a learning account opened. With advice from the new school, a transfer student should choose subjects closely aligned to previous studies.
Students who transfer to a Queensland school and begin studies during the senior phase of learning may apply to the QCAA to obtain credit for their previously completed or partially completed studies. The QCAA makes decisions on a case-by-case basis about granting relaxation of the completed Core requirement or credit for previous studies to applicants. For more information, email the Certification Unit at rocc@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
If the student has been on a similar pathway as QCIA and is eligible to have QCIA as their ILO, see Section 3.2.2: Curriculum plans and email qcia@qcaa.qld.edu.au for advice.
Students who transfer to a Queensland school in their final year of senior schooling may not be eligible for a QCE, depending on the timing of the transfer.
Entering results
Student Management Administrators give access to appropriate staff to record student results. Data can be entered for individual students or for multiple students by downloading import files. The quick steps in the Help section in the Student Management application provide instructions for entering results and importing files.
The principal’s delegate and the Student Management Administrators are responsible for ensuring all results are entered by the due dates published in the SEP calendar and are checked for accuracy.
Replacing a Not Yet Administered (NYA) result
Once results have been recorded in Student Management, schools are unable to make changes themselves after the due date. However, they are required to provide results for students who have a Not Yet Administered (NYA) reported because they had principal-reported AARA or the student transferred and needed additional time to complete the required learning and assessment.
Once students have submitted the response, teachers:
- make judgments about the response using the relevant ISMG or standards
- take into account relevant information such as the confirmation decision provided to the school by the QCAA or advice for Applied QA.
The principal or principal’s delegate then emails certification@qcaa.qld.edu.au with a request to replace the NYA with the student’s results in Student Management. They provide:
- the student’s LUI, name, subject and instrument number
- a reason for the request
- the results for each criterion
- the annotated ISMG or instrument-specific standards indicating the results that were awarded
- for General and General Extension subjects, an explanation as to how the confirmation decision for the cohort had been applied when marking the student’s response.
The school may then be requested to provide materials such as the marked ISMG/standards matrix, student response and/or assessment instrument.
For further information about results see Section 11.2.2: School reporting to the QCAA, Section 11.1: Determining results and Section 9.6.1: Preparing for confirmation.
Enrolling students in General (Senior External Examination) subjects
Before a student is enrolled in a General (Senior External Examination) subject, they must meet eligibility requirements and complete the registration process. There are different requirements for the different student learners — those in Year 12 at a school, and adult students sixteen and under or seventeen and over.
Students residing in Queensland | Maximum number of SEE subjects | |
School students | Students in their final year of schooling if they are unable to study a subject offered by their MLP, typically because:
| 2 |
Adult students | Students 16 years of age and younger (at the end of the examination year) who:
These students must apply to establish their eligibility. | 3 |
Students 17 years of age or older (at the end of the examination year) who are not enrolled in a Queensland secondary school. | Unlimited |
Enrolment process: School students
Schools must register all students who wish to enrol in a General (SEE) subject before the closing date of 30 April, using the online Senior External Examination eligibility application form. Registrations received after 30 April will not be accepted unless there is an unforeseen situation that is beyond the student’s control which prevented them from registering by the closing date.
All requests for a late SEE registration for Year 12 students are from the principal and/or principal’s delegate and reasons for the request are to be explained. Late applications may be granted if there is sufficient time to for relevant units across the QCAA to meet timelines for External Assessment and Examinations. Late registrations will incur a late fee. As part of the registration process, schools make a declaration that tuition is being provided for the student completing the SEE.
Once registration is approved, the QCAA enrols students in the General (SEE) subject in the Student Management application. As the MLP, a school can view the enrolment in the Student Management application. The QCAA contacts schools via email to confirm student enrolment shortly after the closing date for online registrations. During Term 3, each school will receive a list that confirms Year 12 students and their enrolled SEE subjects.
A fee is payable for each General (SEE) subject a student is enrolled in. The fee is collected by the school and paid to the QCAA on invoice. The QCAA cancels enrolments if payment is not received by the due date.
Students will be able to see their SEE enrolment in their learning account via the Student Portal on the myQCE website after registrations have been processed.
Schools notify the QCAA by emailing SEEregistration@qcaa.qld.edu.au if there are any changes to SEE registrations, such as when a student is no longer enrolled at the school or withdraws from the SEE. Refunds for SEE subjects are only available until 30 July.
Enrolment process: Adult students
Adult students aged 16 years or younger must apply to establish their eligibility before registering for a SEE by completing the Senior External Examination eligibility application form. The QCAA considers the eligibility application and either approves or refuses the application. An application is approved when exceptional circumstances exist that prevent the student from enrolling at a Queensland secondary school. The QCAA must notify the student of the decision as soon as practicable, usually by email.
All eligible adult students complete an online form to register for a SEE by the closing date for registration, 30 June. As part of the registration process, an explanation of how they are completing the course of study as per the syllabus must be provided. They are required to pay a fee for each SEE subject as they register (that is, within seven days). Late registrations will only be accepted in exceptional and unavoidable circumstances and will incur a higher fee for each SEE subject. As part of the registration process, adult students make a declaration of study status and, where required, identify the teaching centre providing tuition.
An adult student may withdraw their examination registration/s at any time. The QCAA will refund the fees paid, less an administration fee if the withdrawal is made by 31 July of the examination year. Fees will not be refunded for withdrawals made after this date.
A student may apply for a refund on medical grounds up to one month after the examination date. The application must be supported by a medical certificate. For information about making an application, email the QCAA at EAoperations@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
Once registration is approved, the QCAA enrols the adult student in the General (SEE) subject in the Student Management application. Adult students will be sent a confirmation notice that shows their LUI, registered SEE subjects and nominated teaching centre/examination venue. Adult students can view their SEE enrolment in their learning account via the Student Portal on the myQCE website after registrations have been processed.
It is an expectation when registering for a SEE that students will complete the course of study for that SEE subject as per the syllabus.
Eligible Year 12 students must obtain tuition in SEE subjects. Students should discuss their plans with school staff as early as possible so tuition can be arranged. Tuition may be available from their school, a teaching centre, an ethnic school or a private tutor.
Adult students (including those aged 16 years or younger) may sit examinations without tuition, but this is not recommended. Students can enrol at a teaching centre or an ethnic school, study with a private tutor or study independently.
All SEE subjects have a syllabus, which outlines the required course of study. The SEE assesses Unit 3 and 4 content. However, it is expected that students complete Units 1 and 2 before beginning Unit 3. The four units have a combined study time of 220 hours. Adult students studying without tuition (as an independent student) must organise this time according to syllabus requirements. The student is responsible for all costs associated with the materials for the completion of the course.
Teaching centres
Teaching centres are the main learning provider (MLP) for adult students undertaking tuition for senior external examinations (SEEs) and will manage the learning account for registered students.
The MLP may:
- view all information in a learning account including registrations, enrolments, and results
- edit all student information (personal, demographic, contact information)
Teaching centres will be responsible for registering adult students in Student Management and submitting the application for access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) on behalf of the adult student. Teaching centres should encourage students to complete the eligibility requirements, if 16 years or younger in the examination year; remind all students to register via the online registration form by June 30 of the examination year.
Teaching centres must be either a senior secondary state high school or be accredited with the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board.
13.2.6 Certification
The Student Management application is used to manage and store information including student details, enrolments and results. This information is used to create Senior Education Profiles (SEPs) which may contain one or more of the following:
- Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
- Senior Statement
Schools can:
- view projected QCE eligibility noting:
- QCE credit is treated as projected until results are finalised are confirmed by the QCAA (if required) and finalised at certification.
- eligibility calculations are based on completion of the enrolled courses of study to the set standard, as defined in Section 2: Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- requirements for learning to the set amount, in the set pattern and for literacy and numeracy requirements are available
- view projected QCIA eligibility noting:
- eligibility is projected based on student enrolments in QCE Core category courses of study and eligibility requirements as described in Section 3.1 Eligibility for a QCIA
- eligibility is treated as projected until certification in a student's exit year
- estimate QCE eligibility, noting:
- students’ learning and model enrolment scenarios can be viewed to calculate how their enrolments and input results are projected to meet the requirements for QCE eligibility
- students who obtain their International Baccalaureate Diploma will also obtain their QCE.
13.2.7 Reports
Schools use Student Management to produce reports throughout the year and at exit. Reports can be downloaded in different formats such as CSV and PDF.
Before exit, schools use the reports to carefully check that all enrolments and results for students exiting in a year are accurate and complete by the due dates in the SEP calendar and in the memo Data checking procedures for students exiting school, released annually in November. As part of the school quality management processes, principal’s delegates provide the relevant reports to teachers to check the accuracy of results and information.
13.2.8 Admin
Schools use the Admin tab of the Student Management application to:
- send requests to the QCAA to review possible duplicate learning accounts
- view subject offerings
- access reference information
- file import history
- duplication of learning
- VET QCE information
- search learning providers.
- access the Senior secondary certification agreement.