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13.1 The QCAA Portal

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13.1.1 Access and roles in the QCAA Portal

Access requires a desktop or laptop computer with a supported browser. The QCAA Portal is not supported on mobile devices, including tablets. For information on supported browsers, see the QCAA Portal login page.

Access to the QCAA Portal is available to staff at Queensland schools, learning providers and other education organisations. Individuals from schooling sectors and universities who are not learning providers of QCE-recognised studies may apply to the QCAA at for access to the QCAA Portal for a limited range of functions.

To obtain access to the QCAA Portal, users must register: proving their identity, and showing that they meet certain criteria. All users must agree to accept the QCAA Portal terms of use to be granted access.

Registered users log in to the QCAA Portal with a username and password that provides access to the applications, data and information for which they have permission. Each user is granted only the access that is relevant to their position in their organisation.

Similarly, within each software application, user roles control what each person is able to see and do. These roles are assigned based on an individual’s responsibilities. See Access Managment: Roles (PDF, 55KB) for a list of roles that may be assigned.

Students, parents and members of the public are not able to access the QCAA Portal. They can access relevant information on the QCAA website and students can access information on the myQCE website.

Learning providers and users

The following learning providers may register for access to the QCAA Portal for administration and teaching staff:

  • schools that are
    • offering QCAA subjects and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB)
    • registered training organisations (RTOs)
    • recognised study providers (RSPs)
  • non-school providers
    • non-school RTOs
    • other contributing studies (OCS) providers
      • RSPs
      • higher education providers (HEPs).

Learning providers and users can register for an account via the home page of the QCAA Portal. Administration and teaching staff from Queensland schools, recognised schools and RTOs register for their learning provider. The QCAA creates a QCAA Portal account for administration and teaching staff from OCS providers.

Access Management

Access to the QCAA Portal, and assignment of appropriate user roles for the relevant applications, is managed through a designated Access Management role for some types of learning providers, and through the QCAA for others.

  • Schools are managed by the Access Management Organisation Administrator.
  • Non-school RTOs are managed by the QCAA.
  • Other contributing studies providers are managed by the QCAA — RSPs and HEPs email


New schools will need to have an Access Management Organisation Administrator before any staff can self-register for a QCAA Portal account. It is recommended that each school has at least two Access Management Organisation Administrators (numbers are not limited). The principal, or any person/s nominated by the principal, may request access as the Access Management Organisation administrator. This role will permit them to manage user accounts for school staff.

Only the QCAA can assign the role of Access Management Organisation Administrator. Schools submit the Access Management — Organisation Administrator request form, which must be authorised by the principal. School staff then need to contact their school’s Access Management Organisation Administrator if they require additional roles in the QCAA Portal.

The ‘Confirmed Principal’ position is used for principal approval in the specific applications and this user will also receive any email notifications at that level. Additional roles are required by the ‘Confirmed Principal’ if they are required to manage data in the different applications. It is the Access Management Organisation Administrator role that can confirm the principal and update their information as required.

13.1.2 Using the QCAA Portal

The QCAA Portal facilitates activities for senior secondary schooling through software applications. The applications are used to access information and complete a range of functions required by learning providers. They are grouped into General applications and My applications. General applications are available to all QCAA Portal users. My applications are made available to assigned users by the Access Management Organisation Administrators as required. The Help tab section of the applications page provides details of their functions.

Applications and their information are frequently updated, and school users need to log in to the QCAA Portal to access current information.

In the tables below, ‘users’ refers to an individual’s role in their organisation or the QCAA (e.g. principal’s delegate) while ‘role’ refers to the QCAA Portal or applications’ roles, which have specific names.

General applications




Contact for help

Assessor Jobs

Assessor jobs tile

Management of assessors’ applications, appointments and payments

QCAA Portal and Assessor Jobs External users

Business Operations Unit

My Details

My Details tile

Viewing and updating details (including personal, contact and bank details)

Teaching and administration staff in Queensland schools and RTOs

Client Services


Noticeboard tile

News, information and resources for senior leaders and staff. Access to some information is specific to the school role, e.g. senior leaders

All QCAA Portal users


Travel Bookings and Claims

Travel Bookings and Claims tile

Booking of travel requests and submission of claims for QCAA-funded travel

QCAA casual staff, including assessors

Procurement Unit

My applications



Users & Roles

Contact for help


AARA applications and outcomes


  • AARA Editors
  • AARA Submitters


Assessment Literacy

Accreditation tile

Online professional development courses to support assessment practices of Queensland teachers in:

  • assessment writing
  • endorsement
  • confirmation
  • marking and making judgments.


  • All QCAA Portal users including teachers wanting to apply for an assessor role

Professional Learning Programs Unit

Access Management

Access Management tile

Assigning access and roles in the QCAA Portal

Users & Roles

  • Access Management Organisation Administrators

Client Services Unit

Analytical Dashboard

Analytical dashboard

Provides school-specific data for General, General (Extension), Applied, and Applied (Essential) subjects and Short Courses in a format that allows schools to conduct their own analysis of student achievement data.


  • Analytical Dashboard Subject Administrator
  • Analytical Dashboard Subject Viewer

Performance Information and Monitoring Unit


Confirmation tile

Confirmation processes, including uploading and submitting samples (General)


  • QCAA Confirmers, including Leads and Chiefs
  • School Confirmation
    • Approver
    • Uploader
    • Submitter

Quality Assurance Unit


Endorsement tile

Endorsement processes, including uploading and submitting assessment (General and Applied (Essential)


  • School Endorsement
    • Editor
    • Approver
    • Submitter
  • QCAA Confirmers

School Support Unit

External Assessment

External Assessment tile

Information and communication about senior external assessments between the QCAA and schools


  • EA Coordinator
  • Assistant EA Coordinator

External Assessment Branch


fileShare tile

Secure sharing of school-specific reports, files and information


  • Teachers


  • fileShare
    • Administrator
    • Viewer

External Assessment Branch

Learning Hub

Learning Hub tile

Online learning courses to support teachers and school leaders


  • All QCAA Portal users

Professional Learning Programs Unit

Student Management

Student Management tile

Management of student learning accounts:

  • entry and export of data
  • selection, customisation and download of data   in reports


  • Student Management Administrator
  • Confirmed Principal
  • Read Only

Certification Unit


Study Plans tile

Access to syllabuses and syllabus resources


  • All QCAA Portal users

Senior Curriculum Unit


VET tile

Management of registration and RTO activities. Ask a VET question.


  • School RTO
    • users
    • managers
    • CEOs

QCE and QCIA Unit

Communication and the QCAA Portal

Communication via the QCAA Portal is customised according to the role assigned.

The QCAA Portal has built-in workflows for ICT applications. Communications, including email notifications, are sent to the appropriate audiences, according to the roles assigned. Notifications for significant information and actions that might be required are also published on the user’s home page when they log in to the QCAA Portal.

All staff with access to the QCAA Portal can access the Noticeboard application. Some notices are limited according to the assigned role.

Student Management is an online application accessed via the QCAA Portal that enables the management of student learning accounts. It enables the registration of learning accounts to an organisation, and recording of enrolled qualifications and results for the subjects, qualification and associated competencies.

The Help section of the application provides resources to support schools in assigning roles and accessing the Student Management application.

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