11.3.1 QCAA reporting to schools
The QCAA provides individual schools with rich data to support teaching, learning and assessment, and to enable them to share information about their students’ achievements and the school’s role in supporting them.
The QCAA notifies schools of final results at the time of certification. Schools can access information about final results via the QCAA Portal in the Student Management application and the Analytical Dashboard application.
Final results in QCAA subjects and recognised studies, as well as the credit/s accrued to the QCE, are reported in a student’s learning account and on the student’s Senior Statement or Statement of Results.
QCAA reporting on Units 1 and 2
When a student completes Unit 1 and/or Unit 2 of a General, Applied or Applied (Essential) subject, the school reports the results to the QCAA (see Section 11.2: School reporting responsibilities).
The QCAA displays in the student’s learning account these results as satisfactory (S), unsatisfactory (U) or, where applicable, not rated (NR).
QCAA reporting on Units 3 and 4
When a student completes Units 3 and 4, the QCAA records the final subject results in the student’s learning account as follows:
- Applied and Applied (Essential) subjects — the final subject result (A–E)
- Senior External Examination — a subject result both as a mark out of 100 and as a standard (A–E)
- Short Courses — a final result (A–E)
- General and General (Extension) subjects
- the confirmed internal assessment results after each confirmation event
- at certification, the student’s
- external assessment result
- final subject result both as a mark out of 100 and as a standard (A–E).
In General and General (Extension) subjects, the final subject result is constructed by adding the individual results in the internal and external assessments. A process to compare results on this numeric scale to the syllabus reporting standards takes place to produce cut-offs in each subject for each of the A–E reporting standards in the syllabuses. The final subject result and reporting standard are then reported to students.
QCAA reporting on VET
RTOs are responsible for issuing VET Certificates and Statements of Attainment. Statements of Results record information about VET qualifications that contribute credit to the QCE.
11.3.2 QCAA reporting to students
The QCAA issues students in Queensland with a SEP. This profile may include a:
- Senior Statement or Statement of Results
The SEP is issued electronically in students’ learning accounts, which are available to students in the Student Portal via the myQCE website. These electronic versions of the documents are official and can be downloaded electronically or printed. Printed copies are available on request via the Student Portal.
Students’ results are also recorded in their learning accounts. The confirmed results for General subjects are released in the learning account after the completion of any school review process, and by the date published in the SEP calendar (see Section 9.6: Confirmation (Units 3 and 4) and Section 13.2.4: Students and registration).
Senior Statement
The QCAA issues a Senior Statement to students who finish senior secondary education. ‘Finishing’ senior secondary education is defined as ‘attending school in the Year 12 year of schooling up to and including the finishing day for the year’. Attendance requirements are determined through policies set by the school or school system. The finishing day for Year 12 students is published in the SEP calendar and Finishing dates for Year 12.
The Senior Statement is a cumulative record of achievement for all units undertaken in which a result was obtained and contributed to a QCE.
Statement of Results
Students are issued with a Statement of Results in the December following the completion of QCAA-developed and QCAA-approved courses of study. The Statement of Results is a cumulative record or transcript of achievement for all units undertaken in which a result was obtained and contributed to a QCE. Students may request a Statement of Results at any time by emailing myQCE@qcaa.qld.edu.au.
A new Statement of Results is issued to students in the year they complete each QCAA-developed course of study. A full record of study is issued, along with the QCE, to eligible students in the first December or July after the student meets the requirements for a QCE.
Replacement certificates
The QCAA provides certified copies of certificates, statements and other educational results held by the authority issued prior to 2020. To protect people’s privacy, copies can only be provided to the person named on the certificate.
The application process and fee to request replacement copies of certificates are available on the QCAA website.
Students who have been issued with a SEP from 2020 onwards may download secure documents from their learning account. These documents may be authenticated by users via the QCAA website at www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/api/access/#/authenticate.
Students with a learning account may email the QCAA at any time to request a Statement of Results be issued into their learning account. There is no charge for this service.
11.3.3 QCAA reporting to QTAC
The QCAA has a service agreement with QTAC. Under this agreement, the QCAA is responsible for providing information to QTAC so that it may complete Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculations
11.3.4 QCAA reporting to the public
The QCAA publishes qualitative and quantitative reports on assessments and assessment outcomes. Individual students’ results are not reported and should not be able to be inferred from any data that is released publicly.
Subject report: General subjects
The annual subject report is an analysis of the previous year’s full summative internal assessment cycle. This includes endorsement of summative internal assessment instruments, confirmation of internal assessment marks and external assessment.
The subject report provides an overview of key outcomes of one full teaching, learning and assessment cycle for each subject, including information about the:
- application of the syllabus objectives though the design and marking of internal and external assessments
- patterns of student achievement in each subject for the assessment cycle.
The subject report also provides advice to schools to assist with processes of continuous improvement, including:
- identification of effective practices for the design and marking of valid, accessible and reliable assessment
- identification of areas for improvement and recommendations to enhance the design and marking of valid, accessible and reliable assessment instruments
- provision of tangible examples of best practice where relevant, possible and appropriate.
Certification summary reports
An overall summary report of statewide student achievements includes the sections:
- subjects — summaries of the achievements for students in every QCAA-developed subject
- certification — summaries of the various achievements that contributed to the certification of students.