While the QCAA maintains productive partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders, including students and parents/carers, teacher unions, professional associations, principals’ associations, school sectors, the tertiary sector, learning providers and the business community, the QCE system depends on a strong partnership between schools and the QCAA. This partnership is represented in the respective commitments of each party to contribute to the ongoing development of the system and to accept responsibilities for participation within it.
The QCAA sets the framework for the partnership between the QCAA and schools to meet the legislative requirements of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (Qld) (QCAA Act) and Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Regulation 2014 (Qld) (QCAA Regulation). The QCAA also defines the policies and procedures for the assessment and certification of students and issues SEPs to the students of schools that follow these rules and procedures.
Schools work within these parameters to deliver effective teaching and learning programs that incorporate high quality and relevant assessments for evaluating student achievement. They commit to the rules and procedures expressed in this handbook and other relevant documentation so that their students can become eligible to receive an SEP. Schools develop curriculum from QCAA syllabuses and guidelines or other approved learning options, provide summative assessments for endorsement by the QCAA, submit samples of student work for confirmation and quality assurance reviews at the direction of the QCAA, and provide accurate student data and results at times and in ways specified by the QCAA.
At the beginning of the year in which schools intend to certify students, the principal agrees to comply with the rules and procedures of the QCE system for their students to become eligible to receive an SEP. The date for completing the agreement is published in the SEP calendar. Further information is available in the annual Senior secondary certification agreement memo published on Memos for schools.