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Marking external assessment: Practising Queensland teachers


To apply to become an external assessment marker, you must have:

  • teaching experience
  • current QCT registration
  • successfully completed the following online modules in the Assessment literacy program
    • Module 1 — Attributes of quality assessment
    • Module 3 — Making reliable judgments
    • Module 7 — External assessment marking
  • your principal’s support for your application and agreement that they will release you for any activities held during school hours.

Application process

Please note: Applications for 2024 external assessment marking roles close on 4 August 2024. Please direct all enquiries to

Applications must be submitted via the Assessor Jobs application in the QCAA Portal.

Selection and training

Appointed markers will complete:

  • initial role-specific training
  • up to two days of marker training in the marking operation.

Appointed lead and chief markers will complete:

  • initial role-specific training
  • up to two days of script selection in addition to up to two days of marker training in the marking operation.

Following training, markers will use an online marking platform to mark student scripts.


  • chief markers, lead markers and markers for subjects scheduled in Week 4 of the marking operation will participate in full-day marking and must check they can be released from their school (please see the external assessment timetable, released mid-Term 2)
  • markers for SEE Languages oral assessment should also be available for the SEE Languages written assessment.


Schools will receive the Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) rate for training and script selection that occurs during normal school working hours. Teachers will be paid for training, script selection and marking that occurs outside their normal school working hours.

Finding out more

If you would like more information, please:

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