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External assessment markers: Kathleen Hannant — Boost your confidence

Kathleen Hannant
Chief marker, Literature (2023)

The best part about being an EA chief is that you’re part of a community of practice. So it’s really about those professional conversations and that’s the enjoyable part of it.

So the internal assessment, the marking criteria are quite different to what happens at the external marking operation. We actually split off into separate criteria when it comes to external assessment. And how it benefits you is you really do get a very good understanding of that specific criteria.

For someone who may not feel experienced or confident enough to apply, what I would say is our students when they go into the external exams, they go into the unknown. So for teachers it is going into the unknown if you haven’t been part of it before.

And particularly if you’re in a location that might be more remote, don’t think that this precludes you. It is extremely invaluable in terms of not only your individual professional development, but the learning you can bring back to staff and students.

It just gives you greater confidence whether you’re a leader, a curriculum leader within your school or a teacher in the classroom.

You get to learn from other people who are just like you, they’re teaching students across Queensland. It also benefits your students because you yourself are more confident in what you’re teaching that you feel more confident in understanding what the syllabus is designed to do and how you’re enacting that within the classroom.

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