A student’s exit result in Essential English or Essential Mathematics is based on their achievement in four internal assessments across Units 3 and 4. Schools develop three of these assessments. The fourth assessment — the CIA — is developed by the QCAA and marked by schools.
In 2025, the CIAs will be delivered in two phases in Term 2. Different versions of the CIA will be used in each phase. Teacher judgments about student responses to assessment in Essential English and Essential Mathematics will be reviewed at annual quality assurance meetings in Term 3.
Phases of delivery
Schools select their delivery phase in the Student Management application (app) via the QCAA Portal. Principal’s delegates are responsible for ensuring their school has selected its delivery phase. To check:
- Open the Student Management app
- Navigate to Admin
- Select Subject offerings
The 2025 CIA paper will be made available to schools at the beginning of their nominated phase. Schools are then responsible for administering the CIA during their selected phase. See the schedule below.
Phase | Term | Materials delivered | Start CIA phase | Completed by |
Phase 1 | Term 2 Weeks 1–5 | Tuesday 1 April | Tuesday 22 April | Friday 23 May |
Phase 2 | Term 2 Weeks 5-9 | Tuesday 13 May | Monday 19 May | Friday 20 June |
Ancillary phase | Term 3 | Tuesday 5 August | Monday 11 August | Friday 12 September |
For further information regarding the ancillary phase, see Common internal assessment: Guidelines for Administration (GFA), Sections 2.1 and 6 on the Noticeboard app in the QCAA Portal.
To successfully administer the CIA, schools must:
- use the Student Management app to check which CIA phase they are registered for at the beginning of the year
- ensure that the selected phase suits the school context
- urgently request approval from the Quality Assurance Unit if any change to the CIA phase is required by emailing qau@qcaa.qld.edu.au
- use the Student Management app to update student enrolments for their nominated delivery phase at the beginning of the year
- ensure relevant staff are registered to use, and know how to use, the fileShare app in the QCAA Portal
- consult the AARA unit if there is a student requiring an alternative format by emailing AARA@qcaa.qld.edu.au
- store all CIA materials securely, including unused materials (even if unable to complete the assessment).
More information
For more information, view memo 046/24 (PDF, 162.1 KB).