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Variation to venue: Information for main learning providers

MLPs with multiple campuses must confirm students completing external assessment at each campus. The EA coordinator must email the list of students and subjects to The QCAA will send assessment materials to each campus as indicated.

MLPs must confirm the alternative venue for external assessment, assessments being undertaken at the alternative venue and arrangements for the secure storage and movement of assessment materials, by email to The QCAA must be satisfied with all arrangements.

Note: The MLP is responsible for any associated costs, e.g. room hire.

MLPs that are distance education providers with students attending Queensland secondary school venues for external assessment may submit details of preferred venues to the QCAA via email. This process applies if students nominate reasonable venues given their locations and circumstances, and complete all external assessments at the one venue.*

The EA coordinator must confirm each student’s secondary school venue preferences (numbered 1–3 to order of preference). Complete the Distance education variation to venue form (XLSX, 10.5 KB) and email to

The QCAA will liaise with venues to accommodate students but cannot guarantee placement at preferred schools. Approved arrangements will be confirmed with MLP EA coordinators.

See Responsibilities of MLPs when a variation to venue is approved.

*An application must be submitted via the AARA application in the QCAA Portal for individual students requiring:

  • a Queensland school venue that is not the most reasonable or logical secondary school given their location, e.g. a venue across state to enable participation in an appropriate representative activity
  • more than one venue
  • a venue that is not a Queensland secondary school.

This may be relevant to MLPs with students who:

  • are geographically isolated
  • are representing Australia or their state in an official capacity at a sporting, academic or cultural event when external assessment is scheduled
  • have a medical condition or injury preventing them from attending their MLP.

Students must indicate their Queensland school venue preferences and provide supporting documentation to confirm the reason for their application (i.e. eligibility for a variation to venue). For example:

  • evidence verifying where they are residing
  • a copy of the letter confirming the student’s selection to represent the state or country in an official capacity, including the location and dates of departure, engagement and return as relevant
  • medical documentation.

The MLP must submit this information in a variation to venue application via the AARA application in the QCAA Portal. Principals must be satisfied with the student’s eligibility for a variation to venue and endorse the application.

The QCAA will liaise with venues to accommodate students but cannot guarantee placement at preferred schools. Approved arrangements will be confirmed with MLP EA coordinators.

See Responsibilities of MLPs when a variation to venue is approved.

This may be relevant to MLPs with students who:

  • are geographically isolated or residing interstate or overseas
  • are in Queensland but cannot attend a Queensland secondary school for a valid reason
  • are representing Australia or their state in an official capacity at a sporting, academic or cultural event when external assessment is scheduled
  • have a medical condition or injury preventing them from attending their MLP or another Queensland school.

Students must provide supporting documentation to confirm the reason for their application (i.e. eligibility for a variation to venue). For example:

  • evidence verifying where they are residing and their inability to attend a Queensland school
  • a copy of the letter confirming their selection to represent their state or country in an official capacity, including the location and dates of departure, engagement and return as relevant
  • medical documentation.

Students must also nominate a suitable venue and supervisor. The Variation to venue - application form (PDF, 184.0 KB) may be used to assist this process, but is not submitted to, or required by, the QCAA. Students must submit a signed Supervisor statement as to external assessment administration: External assessment — variation to venue (PDF, 170.9 KB).

The MLP must submit all required information in a variation to venue application via the AARA application in the QCAA Portal. Principals must be satisfied with the student’s eligibility for a variation to venue and endorse the application.

The QCAA must be satisfied with the student’s reason for a variation to venue (i.e. eligibility) and approve the venue and supervisor.

See Variation to venue: Venue and supervisor suitability and costs.

See Responsibilities of MLPs when a variation to venue is approved.

Once the QCAA has approved alternative venues for students, it is the responsibility of the MLP to:

  • ensure students have their timetables, including any rescheduled sessions as relevant. Students must also have photo identification, e.g. a school photo ID or a card issued by the Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • communicate venue information with each student*, including
    • arrival times
    • assessment start times (this may include local start times specified by the QCAA for venues in different time zones)
    • contact information — who the student should contact and when and how they should contact them
  • confirm AARA details in consultation with students. Note
    • MLPs must communicate relevant AARA details with the venue/supervisor
    • students approved use of a computer and/or assistive technology for external assessment must take a device meeting QCAA requirements to the venue. See the factsheet Computers and assistive technology in external assessment: Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA). It is the MLP’s responsibility to facilitate a rehearsal of alternative format — digital files
    • any approved alternative format papers will be delivered to approved Australian venues or shared via the fileShare application to international venues
    • if a reader and/or scribe has been approved for a student attending an alternative venue, the MLP must liaise with the student and venue/supervisor to decide arrangements. See the factsheet Readers and scribes: Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA)
    • the venue is responsible for implementing approved AARA and meeting supervision requirements, including for students approved varied seating, extra time and/or rest breaks
  • provide students with the Directions for students: External assessment and the External assessment equipment list
  • familiarise students with the process of accessing digital stimulus files (i.e. students undertaking external assessment with digital stimulus). Rehearsal information is available prior to external assessment. These students need to take a suitable device meeting all technical requirements with them to the venue
  • submit any required AARA or illness and misadventure applications for students.

*The Approved variation to venue for external assessment: Information for students template (DOCX, 63.3 KB) is available to assist in communicating venue information with students.

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