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AARA online course

The AARA online course, available via the QCAA Portal, elaborates on access arrangements and reasonable adjustments information provided in Section 6 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

This course develops participants’ understanding of:

  • the purpose of AARA
  • student eligibility for AARA
  • AARA reporting and approving processes
  • processes for students impacted by illness and misadventure
  • variation to venue eligibility and processes
  • how and when to submit applications via the AARA app in the QCAA Portal.


The AARA online course will benefit:

  • school staff responsible for reporting and approving process for AARA in the QCE system
  • other teachers and school staff who want to learn about AARA for senior secondary students.

The course can also contribute to the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements for Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) registration renewal. A certificate is generated on completion of the course.

Time requirement

The course takes approximately one hour to complete with activities at key intervals. Participants need to finish the activities correctly to complete the course.

Once the course has been completed, any section may be accessed again. The QCAA encourages participants to use the course as a supporting resource as they engage in AARA processes at their school.

Accessing the course

The AARA online course is available via the Learning Hub application in the QCAA Portal.

School staff will need:

  • a QCAA Portal account
  • to be assigned the Learning Hub: 7–12 participant role by the school’s Access Management Organisation Administrator.

For help accessing the QCAA Portal, please visit the QCAA Portal help page, email or phone (07) 3864 0299.

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