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AARA are actions taken to minimise barriers for students whose disability, impairment, medical condition or other circumstances affect their ability to respond or participate in assessment on the same basis as other students.

Students with a disability, impairment, medical condition or other circumstances affecting their ability to respond to or participate in assessment may be eligible for AARA.

For more information, see Eligibility and possible AARA.

Students who miss an assessment to go on a family holiday or to attend a sporting event or another event of their own choosing, are not eligible for AARA.

For more information, see the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook, Sections:

The possible types of AARA available depend on a student’s individual circumstances and the assessment task.

Some common AARA include:

  • providing alternative examination conditions, e.g. extra time, rest breaks and/or separate seating
  • providing alternative-format papers, e.g. A4 to A3 enlargement, black-and-white materials
  • providing assistive technology, e.g. screen reader, speech recognition, magnification
  • providing a reader and/or scribe.

For more information, see Eligibility and possible AARA.

Students with a disability, impairment or medical condition should talk to their school about the functional impact/s of their circumstances on their ability to complete assessment.

Schools will:

  • discuss the student’s circumstances with them and/or their parents/carers
  • confirm what documentation is required
  • submit an AARA application to the QCAA on the student’s behalf, if required.

Depending on a student’s individual circumstances, supporting documentation may include:

  • a school statement
  • a student statement (optional)
  • a medical report
  • evidence of verification in the Education Adjustment Program (EAP)
  • other relevant school-based evidence such as teacher observations, results from standardised academic testing
  • other relevant official documentation where the condition is not medical, e.g. police reports, official notices.

Further information is available in the following factsheet:

View the AARA resources for templates and more information about how to complete an AARA application. Note that use of QCAA templates is not compulsory.

Over 2023 and 2024, the Department of Education is transitioning all Queensland state schools to the Students with disability — Reasonable adjustments resourcing (RAR) model. The previous model was based on the Education Adjustment Program (EAP).

Schools have been able to submit EAP documentation as an alternative to a medical report in AARA applications. This may continue for students whose EAP verification was previously approved to cover their enrolment in Units 3 and 4, with no review of EAP criterion 1 requested. Further information is available in the following factsheet:

AARA application submission dates are listed in the Key dates section.

It is best to apply for AARA early to ensure timely decisions and confidence for students. Applications submitted close to the due date for assessment should not be for known long-term conditions.

In Units 3 and 4, for Applied and General subjects, the Senior External Examination (SEE) and Short Courses, AARA are either:

  • principal-reported (approved by the principal or their delegate and reported to the QCAA)
  • QCAA-approved  (approved by the QCAA when an application is submitted with supporting documentation).

For more information, see Section 6.4.2 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

More information

For more information, phone 1300 381 575 or email

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