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Years 7-10 academic integrity toolkit

The Academic integrity toolkit for year 7-10 students provides teachers with age-appropriate teaching and learning resources and information they need to promote academic integrity. These resources can support the use of a shared language and conversations with students about:

  • what it means to act with integrity at school, home and in the wider community
  • the importance of understanding and practicing academic integrity
  • effective practices that support and empower ethical scholarship.

Teaching students about academic integrity and ethical scholarship aligns with several aspects of the Australian Curriculum v8.4 and v9.0, particularly the ethical understanding general capability.

Toolkit contexts

The toolkit includes the following resources.

Guidance for teachers document

This document provides background information on academic integrity, behaviours that motivate students to engage in academic misconduct, strategies to promote academic integrity and methods to authenticate student authorship.

Presentation slides

The presentation provides teachers with a resource to introduce academic integrity to year 7 – 10 students. It includes a teacher script that can be delivered as is or modified to suit individual school or class contexts.

Slide notes

The slide notes match the presentation and assist teacher planning.

Student worksheet

This worksheet assists students to capture their thinking as they work through the presentation.

Student quiz

The quiz can be used to check students’ understanding. A space is provided at the end of the quiz for students to sign a declaration acknowledging they have completed the academic integrity presentation. Schools may wish to record student completion of this quiz and use it as a point-in-time authentication tool.

Acting with integrity — poster series

Two posters for use across Years 7–12 classes are visual cues for students and teachers about acting with integrity.

How parents/carers can promote academic integrity

Parents/carers and others who support students also have a responsibility to promote and maintain academic integrity.

For example, parents/carers could:

  • encourage students to complete the course
  • reinforce the importance of ethical conduct and study practices
  • support students to understand family, community and school expectations
  • ensure students understand the consequences of academic misconduct
  • support students to develop the skills needed to submit their own work
  • encourage students to seek additional information and/or advice from their school if they have questions after completing the course
  • discuss any concerns they may have with the school.

Year 11 – 12 academic integrity resources

Creating and maintaining good academic habits in P–10 can build the foundation for student success in the senior years. The QCAA’s Academic integrity course for year 11 – 12 students supports senior students to understand ethical ways to approach assessment, maintain academic integrity and produce their best work.

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