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School perspectives: Experiences using the Kindergarten Transition Statement application

Sheree Carr
Deputy Principal, West End State School

We found the transition statement application really seamless to use, so we were able to get it to our teachers in a timely manner. But we did have to implement some careful planning to ensure that happened.

There were a number of strategies that we put in place to manage the search for the transition statement. The first one being that we added multiple people to the kindy viewer role on the application, so that they were able to access it. The other one being that we set up our spreadsheets that we normally would use to collect our data for enrolments to ensure that it included the information that we needed to do the search function and in the same format as well was really important for us.

And the other thing we did was just kept those connections going with our kindergartens, to ensure that we knew when they were complete and that we could start the search. Once we had located those statements, we saved them to a shared space and then waited ‘til our students were active on OneSchool, so that we could save them to the OneSchool application as a central place for all staff to be able to access them.

Amy Honsa
Principal, Bardon State School

The Kindergarten Transition Statement application was very straightforward to use. It was as simple as entering the student’s details and then downloading the file to save.

There were a number of strategies that we put in place to capture all of the kindergarten transition statements. One was in regards to keeping in close contact with our top feeder kindergarten, so that we were aware when they were ready for download. And the other element was around scheduling in some specific times for us to regularly check in to ensure that we had all of our transition statements ready to go, so that we knew all of our learners for the following year.

Once the transition statements were located, we were then able to download them to our designated school file. And then we were able to provide our teachers and our staff with a password protected USB, so that they could access those transition statements when they were planning for the following year.

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