This page contains past curriculum documents. For current curriculum resources, visit the P–10 Australian Curriculum section.
The resources on this page support planning within and across year levels for the English key learning area.
Essential Learnings
- English ELs — Yr 3 (PDF, 159.3 KB) (DOCX, 29.5 KB)
- English ELs — Yr 5 (PDF, 146.9 KB) (DOCX, 30.0 KB)
- English ELs — Yr 7 (PDF, 161.0 KB) (DOCX, 30.0 KB)
- English ELs — Yr 9 (PDF, 161.2 KB) (DOCX, 29.6 KB)
Components of the Essential Learnings
The following resources are designed to help planners map the components of the Essential Learnings across year-level junctures. These components are the Learning and assessment focus (L&AF), Ways of working (WoW) and Knowledge and understanding (K&U).
- English L&AF — Yrs 3-9 (PDF, 52.2 KB) (DOCX, 61.4 KB)
- English WoW — Yrs 3-9 (PDF, 50.2 KB) (DOCX, 60.7 KB)
- English K&U — Yrs 3-9 (PDF, 86.4 KB) (DOCX, 83.9 KB)
The assessable elements and descriptors of quality (AEDs) are used to link to the Essential Learnings and Standards, and help teachers make judgments about student achievements.
Scope and sequence guide
The draft scope and sequence guides are provided to support planning in English and Mathematics. They are resources which teachers may choose to use. They will be refined in response to feedback from teachers. Please email feedback to
Planning advice
The following resources show how units of work in English can be planned using the Essential Learnings.
- Using the Essential Learnings: Planning advice (PDF, 46.7 KB)
- Using the Essential Learnings to plan an English unit – Yr 3 – Bike Day (PDF, 44.3 KB)
- Using the Essential Learnings to plan an English unit – Yr 5 – Constructing a narrative (PDF, 44.6 KB)
- Using the Essential Learnings to plan an English unit – Yr 7 – Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Protocols (PDF, 115.6 KB)
- Using the Essential Learnings to plan an English unit – Yr 9 – Television soap operas (PDF, 44.7 KB)
More information
Implementing the Essential Learnings and Standards is a suite of materials supporting implementation of the QCAR Framework.