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QCAA Portal for NAPLAN

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) Portal is a secure access point to QCAA's applications (apps) and data for staff at Queensland schools.

    Accessing QCAA Portal

    To access the applications needed for NAPLAN, your school will require specific individual staff to have the following access to the QCAA Portal.

    Access Management Organisation Administrator

    Each school should have a minimum of two Access Management Organisation Administrators. For security purposes, an Access Management Organisation Administrator cannot maintain their own account (e.g. they cannot assign roles to themselves). Two administrators ensure coverage when one administrator is unavailable. Very small schools should contact QCAA for advice if this is not possible.

    Users with this role have their principal's authorisation to manage staff access to the QCAA Portal for their school. They can:

    • create new accounts for staff
    • approve or deny access requests from staff who self-register
    • maintain application access for staff with an account.

    To request this role be assigned, please complete the Access Management Organisation Administrator request form.

    Note: If there are high volumes of applications, there may be longer than expected wait times for your application to be processed.

    The QCAA Portal has the following apps required for administering NAPLAN:

    • NAPLAN Administration
    • fileShare
    • Assessor Jobs.

    The following table is a summary of the QCAA Portal roles that have access to each application.

    Summary of Portal application roles and access

    Summary of Portal application roles for NAPLAN
    QCAA Portal Role Portal application
     fileShare NAPLAN Administration NAPLAN AARA Assessor Jobs
      General files Reporting files Welfare files Assessment returns – NAPLAN returns   









    Principal’s delegate NAPLAN








    NAPLAN Coordinator








    fileShare Submitter








    * Note: Requires the fileShare Submitter role

    The NAPLAN Administration app is the QCAA’s ICT platform for managing NAPLAN logistics and administration processes. The following tasks are completed in the NAPLAN Administration app:

    • uploading student details (only Independent and Religious Institute Catholic schools)
    • checking and editing student details
    • creating and allocating class groups
    • accessing forms and resources.

    The following QCAA Portal roles will give access to this app:

    • Principal
    • Principal’s delegate NAPLAN
    • NAPLAN Coordinator

    The NAPLAN AARA app is the QCAA’s ICT platform for submitting applications for QCAA-approved access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for students with disability.

    The following QCAA Portal roles will give access to this app:

    • Principal
    • Principal’s delegate NAPLAN.

    Schools use fileShare to download and upload secure digital files. For NAPLAN, this will include:

    • accessing NAPLAN Assessment Platform login credentials (School PINs are located under the Reporting files tab in fileShare)
    • accessing student and school reports
    • accessing writing scripts
    • uploading test materials.

    The QCAA may use fileShare to send or receive other secure or large files to schools.

    The following QCAA Portal roles will give access to this app:

    • Principal
    • Principal’s delegate NAPLAN
    • fileShare Submitter.

    Assessor Jobs is:

    • where registered teachers can apply to be a NAPLAN writing marker. See Marker information for more details
    • where principals complete the Principal Approval form for teachers at their school who have applied to be a marker.

    The following QCAA Portal roles will give access to this app:

    • Principal.

      Further information

      For more information on managing roles in the QCAA Portal, visit:

      Contact us

      If you require further assistance regarding:

      • access to the QCAA Portal – contact Client Services by email at or phone 3864 0299
      • NAPLAN Administration, NAPLAN AARA, fileShare, or Assessor Jobs apps — contact the NAPLAN Unit by email at or phone 1300 214 452.
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