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Application to administer the NAPLAN off-site test

Schools may apply to administer the NAPLAN off-site test for eligible students.

In order for a student to be eligible to access the NAPLAN off-site test, the student must:

  • be enrolled in a Queensland school of distance education
  • be located in Australia at the time of the NAPLAN tests
  • have access to a compatible device with suitable internet and bandwidth
  • be unable to attend a school campus because of geographical isolation or a medical condition.

Please note: principals should be advised that, for the purposes of the NAPLAN off-site test, a student is considered to be geographically isolated if their address at the time of testing is at least 16 km away from the nearest school, regardless of year level or education sector.

Schools with several eligible students may wish to submit a bulk application.

Access the Bulk application to administer the NAPLAN off-site test.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Student details
Enrolled school details
Reason for application
The student is unable to attend a school campus due to *
Geographical isolation details

Please note: principals should be advised that, for the purposes of the NAPLAN off-site test, a student is considered to be geographically isolated if their address at the time of testing is at least 16 km away from the nearest school, regardless of year level or education sector.

Please note: this should be the closest school campus, regardless of year level or educational sector.
Medical condition
Parent/carer details
Test supervisor details
Will the person supervising the tests be the same parent/carer entered previously? *

Please enter the details of the person who will act in the role of test supervisor for this student.

Principal's acknowledgement
By submitting this application, I declare To be completed by the Principal or Principal’s delegate.

The information you provide on this form is being collected and used in relation to the QCAA's functions and powers prescribed under Part 2 of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014. The information will be accessed by QCAA staff and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Information held by the QCAA is also subject to the Right to Information Act 2009. The person completing this form should seek consent of the student's parent / carer prior to including the student's personal information in this form.

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