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NAPLAN marker information

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The QCAA is responsible for administering and marking the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN tests.

Each year, the QCAA employs and trains practising or registered non-practising Queensland teachers, including supply and retired teachers, to mark student responses for the NAPLAN writing tests. NAPLAN writing tests are marked remotely (online) using an online marking platform.

Appointed markers gain valuable professional experience and are paid for the marking and preceding marker training.

The 2025 NAPLAN marking operation is expected to run from Saturday 22 March and continue until all student responses have been marked.

The primary objective of the marking operation is to ensure that Queensland student responses to the NAPLAN writing test are marked fairly and accurately, according to the national rubric.

Benefits of becoming a NAPLAN marker

By joining the NAPLAN writing test marking operation, markers can:

  • gain insight into how Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students from across Queensland respond to an ‘on demand’ writing task
  • experience using a standardised rubric to make judgments about student responses
  • experience the NAPLAN writing marking operation and quality assurance processes
  • earn extra income working flexible hours from home
  • gain continuing professional development points for Queensland College of Teachers registration renewal.

The expertise markers gain through marking NAPLAN writing tests can have an immediate positive impact on teaching practice and stimulate productive conversations with colleagues.

Marker commitment

To ensure marking validity and reliability, we are looking for markers who:

  • have relevant teaching and literacy experience, including an understanding of assessment based on criteria and standards. English teaching experience from at least a Year 3 level is desirable
  • hold a current Queensland teacher registration number (or have previously held a Queensland teacher registration number, e.g. retired teachers) that has not been suspended or cancelled
  • have sufficient computer literacy skills to perform fundamental tasks on a computer, which includes understanding marking software, applications, programs and tools
  • successfully complete all required training
  • are able to accurately mark NAPLAN student writing scripts using the criteria in the NAPLAN marking guide and marking framework presented in training
  • are able to work from home in a secure way that ensures the confidentiality and security of student responses
  • have ongoing access to a computer that meets ICT requirements.

During the marking operation, markers may determine their own marking hours, as long as they:

  • mark continuously for a minimum of 2 hours for at least 5 days of each week of the marking operation
  • check for meetings each marking day at the start of the negotiated meeting window.

At-home marking will require markers to be contactable for a nominated two-hour period between 4 pm and 8 pm on weekdays they select to mark. Markers will share their availability on Saturdays or Sundays with their group leaders at the commencement of the marking operation. Online meetings may occur outside these hours if required.

Practising Queensland teachers are expected to complete marking and training outside of school hours. School release and the teacher relief scheme (TRS) are not available for the NAPLAN marking operation.

Group leaders and professional leaders

Group leaders and professional leaders perform a vital quality assurance role in the NAPLAN marking operation, ensuring all Queensland students receive fair and consistent scoring of their writing responses.

The benefits of becoming a group leader or professional leader include:

  • a higher hourly rate of pay
  • flexible work hours from home
  • marker monitoring and quality assurance measures training
  • experience in operational management, mentoring, leadership and training of markers/group leaders
  • opportunities to collaborate, provide feedback and contribute ideas with other group leaders, professional leaders and managers of marking.

Group leader and professional leader commitment

To maintain operational quality assurance, in addition to marker requirements, appointed group leaders and professional leaders are required to:

  • complete role-specific duties, monitor and support markers for a minimum of 5 hours on at least 6 days of each week of the marking operation
  • mark general scripts for a minimum of 30 minutes each marking day as part of these role-specific duties
  • check for meetings each weekday between the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm
  • be available to run/attend scheduled meetings during the meeting window or at other times, by negotiation, when marking online.

Applicants wishing to be considered for group leader or professional leader positions can express their interest in the role when completing the NAPLAN Marker application in Assessor Jobs (QCAA Portal).

Refer to the role description for further information regarding remuneration, role-specific responsibilities and the selection process.

Reserve markers: Some applicants are held on stand-by to receive offers of appointment as vacancies arise, up until late February.

Minimum ICT requirements

All applicants are required to have sufficient computer literacy skills to independently use the marking software program, basic online meeting functions (including microphone access) and the QCAA Portal applications. Applicants must have access to personal computers or laptops that meet the QCAA’s minimum information and communications technology (ICT) requirements. Tablets (including iPads) and phones are not suitable for marking student scripts.

Minimum ICT requirements




Processor speed

1.30 GHz or faster


4GB minimum

Operating system

Windows 10 or later

OS 10.6 or later

Screen resolution

1024 x 768 pixels or higher

Screen size

Monitor — 17 inches or greater
Laptop — 15 inches or greater

Web browser

Google Chrome — version 94 or later
Microsoft Edge — (IE version) 94 or later
Mozilla Firefox — version 91 or later
Safari — version 15 or later

Broadband connection


Note: weak internet connection may prevent script scores from uploading to the marking platform, causing them to be re-queued. Markers are only paid once for each individual student script they score and submit.

Microphone Devices require sound capabilities and a microphone for online communication.

How to apply

Applications to mark in the 2025 NAPLAN marking operation can be submitted via the Assessor Jobs application in the QCAA Portal. For more information, see the NAPLAN marker FAQs.

Applicants are encouraged to give as much detail as possible in their applications, particularly regarding English teaching and literacy experience.

Applications close on 18 October 2024.

More information

Please contact the QCAA NAPLAN team at or phone 1300 214 452.

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