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Numeracy encompasses the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students need to use mathematics in a wide range of situations (ACARA, 2010).

The Numeracy general capability is organised into three elements:

  • Number sense and algebra
  • Measurement and geometry
  • Statistics and probability.


The following advice provides background to the Numeracy general capability, including the numeracy progression. It supports teachers to use the general capability across all levels of schooling and learning areas

The following resources support schools to embed the general capabilities in their teaching, learning and assessment programs.


The following resources support teachers to develop students’ numeracy capabilities across the elements.

The following progression resource for the numeracy general capability is labelled from Level 1–6 to present a sequence of detailed, observable, evidence-based indicators of numeracy development.

Data literacy underpins student learning in many Australian Curriculum learning areas. The following resources support teachers to develop students’ skills in the Measurement and geometry element, specifically interpreting, analysing and representing data using the graphical representations that are most commonly encountered by students in Prep–Year 10.

Mathematical talk routines are short, purposefully structured activities. They provide an engaging environment in which students develop conceptual understanding as well as fluency, through meaningful practice.

Below are a range of mathematical talk routines that incorporate mathematical proficiencies while exploring mathematical concepts, strategies and facts. They can be introduced in the early years and built upon each year across many different mathematical concepts. The following resources support teachers to develop students’ skills across all Numeracy general capability elements in Prep–Year 10.

Number sense lays the foundation for the development of more advanced mathematical concepts and underpins the numeracy knowledge and skills that people require to function well in the world. The following resources support teachers to develop students’ skills across the Number sense and algebra element encountered by students in Prep–Year 10.

The following resources map the alignment between content descriptions and general capabilities within phases of learning.




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