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ACiQ. This page refers to Australian Curriculum version 9

Cross-curriculum priorities support the Australian Curriculum to be a relevant, contemporary and engaging curriculum that reflects national, regional and global contexts. They provide opportunities to add depth and richness to the content of learning areas, allowing students to engage with and better understand their world.

The Australian Curriculum has three cross-curriculum priorities:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • Sustainability.

The following resources support schools with understandings to connect with cross-curriculum priorities.

Cross-curriculum priorities are incorporated through learning area content, in ways that are appropriate and authentic. The following resources provide an overview of, as well as mapping across Learning area and subject content descriptions and achievement standards to identify connections to each of the cross-curriculum priorities.

These resources capture professional learning that has been delivered by the QCAA in workshops or webinars. Teachers can use these resources to support their ongoing learning.

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