Australian Curriculum: Indonesian
This section provides direct access to the complete Australian Curriculum: Indonesian.
Language Learning Space
Understand how Indonesian works
Context statement
The languages of the Indonesian archipelago have been used in Australia since contact several centuries ago between the peoples of the islands now known as Indonesia and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of northern Australia.
PDF documents
Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Indonesian are available as PDF documents.
Year levels:
Curriculum elements
Foundation to Year 2
Foundation to Year 2 Band Description
The nature of the learners
Children enter the early years of schooling with established oracy skills in one or more languages and varying degrees of early literacy capability. For young students, learning typically focuses on their immediate world of family, home, school, friends and neighbourhood. They are learning how to socialise with new people, share with others, and participate in structured routines and activities at school. Typically they have little to no experience of Indonesian language and culture.
Indonesian language learning and use
In these years there is an emphasis on developing learners' oral language to enable them to participate in class activities such as shared reading, chants, rhymes, songs and games. They repeat sounds, particularly of vowels, the letter c (ch) and r (trilled), as modelled by the teacher and aural texts. Learners use formulaic language and single-idea phrases. They will recognise the same alphabet as they are learning for writing English and need to observe that some letters have different sounds (for example, c = ch). Learners write by tracing and copying, forming letters legibly. They learn to write words and sentences independently using modelled language, for example, matching pictures with single words, labels and captions.
Contexts of interaction
The primary context for interaction is the language classroom, with the teacher of Indonesian, and peers or buddy classmates. Learners' use of Indonesian primarily relates to classroom routines and activities, drawing on their curiosity about the world around them and their interest in play, movement and games.
Texts and resources
Written texts include children's stories and big books, and teacher-generated materials such as pictures with labels and descriptions. Learners listen to, read and view texts, including digital forms such as videos, songs and children's programs. They respond to teacher generated resources such as cloze, substitution or matching exercises, and produce texts such as captions and recounts using formulaic language, for example, Pada hari…, saya…
Features of Indonesian language use
Students are learning the sounds and written form of Indonesian. They are noticing similarities and differences between Indonesian and English, such as similar vocabulary and word order and differences in the position of adjectives and possessive pronouns Learners ask questions in English about Indonesia and Indonesians. With teacher support, they discuss language and culture in terms of what is the same or different and compare with 'what is said and done' in their own language and culture.
Level of support
Support is provided through visual and tactile materials, such as pictures, realia, objects and charts, and the use of gesture and movement. The main source of support is the teacher's talk, such as questions and statements, explanations, prompts, recycling of language, stories and feedback. Learners rely on modelled language and scaffolded tasks to create their own texts, for example, choosing words to complete sentences or using pictures to sequence captions.
The role of English
Indonesian is used in class interactions and daily routines such as opening and closing of lessons. Indonesian is used by the teacher to model new language, process texts and guide interaction, for example, Ini siapa?, Di mana Hasan? English is used when describing aspects of language and culture such as word order and cultural practices.
Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: self, family; Key processes: playing, imitating] (ACLINC001 - Scootle )
[Key concept: play; Key processes: singing, chanting, drawing] (ACLINC002 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: routine, sharing; Key processes: shared reading, following instructions] (ACLINC003 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: literacy, numeracy; Key processes: selecting, sorting, matching] (ACLINC004 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: self, favourite; Key processes: describing, showing] (ACLINC005 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concepts: character, story; Key processes: playing, choral reading; Key text types: fairy tale, fable, comic, cartoon, song, rhyme] (ACLINC006 - Scootle )
[Key concept: performance; Key processes: performing, singing, dancing; Key text types: chant, song, poster, puppet show] (ACLINC007 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concepts: similarity, difference; Key process: noticing] (ACLINC008 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: etiquette, respect, equivalence; Key processes: labelling, displaying] (ACLINC009 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concepts: communication, respect; Key processes: noticing, comparing] (ACLINC010 - Scootle )
[Key concept: self; Key processes: describing, noticing] (ACLINC011 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concept: pronunciation; Key processes: reading aloud, mimicking] (ACLINU012 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: possession, word order; Key processes: naming, noticing patterns] (ACLINU013 - Scootle )
[Key concept: text; Key processes: recognising, identifying] (ACLINU014 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concepts: appropriateness, respect; Key processes: noticing, selecting] (ACLINU015 - Scootle )
[Key concept: borrowing; Key process: observing] (ACLINU016 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concepts: norm, culture; Key process: making connections] (ACLINU017 - Scootle )
Foundation to Year 2 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 2, students interact with teachers and peers through play- and action-related language. They use greetings such as Selamat pagi/siang and respond to instructions such as Berdirilah, Masuklah through actions. Students pronounce the vowel sounds, and c (ch). They respond to questions (for example Apa? Siapa? Berapa?) with responses that include ya/tidak, verbs such as ada/mau/suka/bisa/boleh, and/or names and numbers (up to ten). They identify specific words or items in oral and written texts such as names of objects and people, and respond by using actions or drawing or labelling a picture. They present factual information at word and simple sentence level, such as lists, labels, descriptions and sharing/news reports, relying on formulaic language and modelled examples. They show comprehension and create simple texts such as a description, story or comic by matching pictures and captions. They use vocabulary related to their class and home environments. Students use simple verbs such as lari, main, makan and use the pronouns saya, kamu and Pak/Bu to address others. Students comment on similarities and differences in meanings of words, noticing that some cannot be readily translated, for example, takraw. They comment on aspects of using Indonesian and express feelings about learning Indonesian.
Students know that Indonesian is written using the same alphabet as English but that some sounds are different. They know that they communicate in English (and possibly other languages) and that Indonesian is spoken in a country called Indonesia. They identify Indonesian words that are similar to English, for example, buku, komputer and es krim. Students identify some distinctive Indonesian words such as komodo, durian and kancil. They know that language and culture are related.
Foundation to Year 2 Work Sample Portfolios
Years 3 and 4
Years 3 and 4 Band Description
The nature of the learners
At this level, children are developing awareness of their social world and memberships of various groups, including of the Indonesian class. They have developed initial literacy in English, and this assists to some degree in learning Indonesian, such as writing in the Roman alphabet. They benefit from varied, activity-based learning that builds on their interests and capabilities and makes connections with other areas of learning.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners participate orally in classroom routines and tasks, and share ideas about how Indonesian works. They respond to teacher-generated questions about texts, participate in games and give brief presentations about topics such as family, pets, or a favourite game or object. Learners follow instructions, read stories and captions, and use computer games for word building and language exercises. They participate in shared reading and create texts such as descriptions, captions and simple reports using modelled language.
Contexts of interaction
The context in which learners use Indonesian is primarily the language classroom and the school environment, with some sharing of their language learning at home. They may also have some access to Indonesian speakers and resources through audiovisual and digital technologies.
Texts and resources
Learners typically interact with teacher-generated materials, games and songs, and materials produced for learning Indonesian, such as computer games, cards and readers. They may be exposed to texts developed for children in Indonesia, such as television programs, advertisements or web pages, as a way of developing their cultural awareness.
Features of Indonesian language use
Learners are increasingly aware that Indonesian is used by millions of speakers who do not have English as their first language. They notice and question aspects of Indonesian language and culture such as sounds, gestures and word order. They are developing a wide range of vocabulary and simple conjunctions to generate their own ideas in structured tasks. They explore cultural traditions and practices and the language associated with these.
Level of support
The primary support for learners is the teacher of Indonesian, who provides instruction, explanation, examples, repetition, reinforcement and feedback. Learners create their own texts based on modelled language and teacher guidance. Supports also include word lists, pictures, body language, realia and multimedia equipment.
The role of English
Learners use Indonesian for classroom routines and structured learning tasks, and listening to and viewing Indonesian texts. They are supported by the teacher to notice and discuss aspects of Indonesian language and culture, and compare Indonesian to other known languages and cultures. English is used for class discussions when noticing, comparing and reflecting on both English and Indonesian languages and cultures.
Years 3 and 4 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: routine, occasion; Key processes: describing, sharing] (ACLINC018 - Scootle )
[Key concept: collaboration; Key processes: problem solving, participating] (ACLINC019 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: respect, sopan santun; Key processes: interacting, responding] (ACLINC020 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: routine, pastimes; Key processes: selecting, tabulating, categorising] (ACLINC021 - Scootle )
[Key concept: data; Key processes: informing, organising] (ACLINC022 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concepts: character, plot; Key processes: performing, recounting; Key text types: fable, legend, song, children's television] (ACLINC023 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: humour, imagination; Key processes: presenting, creating; Key text types: play, poem] (ACLINC024 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concepts: gist, meaning; Key processes: translating, predicting] (ACLINC025 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: similarity, difference; Key processes: describing, captioning] (ACLINC026 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concepts: politeness, etiquette; Key processes: experimenting, connecting] (ACLINC027 - Scootle )
[Key concept: membership; Key processes: interacting, noticing] (ACLINC028 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concept: intonation; Key processes: imitating, discriminating sounds] (ACLINU029 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: action, sequence; Key processes: describing, relating, predicting] (ACLINU030 - Scootle )
[Key concept: genre; Key processes: observing patterns, distinguishing] (ACLINU031 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concept: status; Key processes: observing, comparing] (ACLINU032 - Scootle )
[Key concept: official language; Key process: understanding] (ACLINU033 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concept: diversity; Key processes: comparing, connecting] (ACLINU034 - Scootle )
Years 3 and 4 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 4, students interact in classroom routines and structured interactions with teachers and peers. They reproduce the sounds of au (for example, mau) and g (for example, gemuk) and the final sound k (for example, tidak). Students follow instructions (such as Duduklah or Bukalah bukumu), make requests and respond with actions. They respond to questions such as Di mana? Kapan? Apakah?, by using simple phrases. They engage with texts, relying on graphics, key words and examples to support understanding, and respond using formulaic language. Students present factual information in texts through, for example, describing, listing and using tables. They work with modelled language to create their own texts, such as sequencing pictures and statements to create a comic and using word lists to complete a paragraph or simple story. Students use vocabulary related to school (such as buku, pensil, kursi), home (such as rumah, kamar, mobil) and some interests (such as suka main komputer, berenang, naik sepeda) to create simple informative and descriptive texts. They describe amounts using cardinal numbers with belas and puluh, and create plurals by doubling nouns. Students state preferences using Saya [tidak] suka…, and use adjectives, including adjectives of size and colour (for example, besar, merah, tinggi, lucu), following the noun. They create subject-focus sentences, and use simple possessive word order such as teman saya or rumahnya, the prepositions di and ke, and the conjunction dan. Students translate texts using word lists and dictionaries, identifying words and expressions that do not have word-to-word equivalence, such as 'footy' or becak. They observe how language use, including their own, is influenced by culture and notice how it can influence intercultural experiences.
Students differentiate statements from questions according to intonation. They state that possessive word order in Indonesian differs from English. Students know that language use varies according to who is using it and with whom such as kamu for friends and Bu/Pak for teachers, and that some terms have specific cultural meanings, such as pronouns derived from family terms (for example, Bapak/Pak, Ibu/Bu). They make comparisons between Indonesian and English, particularly identifying similarities and differences in cultural practices related to daily routines and special occasions.
Years 3 and 4 Work Sample Portfolios
Years 5 and 6
Years 5 and 6 Band Description
The nature of the learners
Students are expanding their social networks, experiences and communication repertoire in both their first language and Indonesian. They continue to need guidance and participate in structured, collaborative tasks that both recycle and extend language. Students are gaining greater independence and becoming more conscious of their peers and social context. They are gaining awareness of the world around them and the proximity of Indonesia to Australia. Learners are noticing similarities and differences between Indonesian language and culture and their own.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners use formulaic phrases in Indonesian to participate in classroom routines, presentations and structured conversations with the teacher and peers. They focus on aspects of their personal world and are introduced to content related to Indonesia and other learning areas. Learners develop oral language through scaffolded tasks and texts such as songs, descriptions and stories. They extend their oral fluency by focusing on sentence-level intonation and stress.
In pairs and as a class, learners read texts such as signs, posters, scripts, lyrics and instructions (for example, for recipes or games). They are learning to apply their knowledge of key words and textual features to predict the meaning of unfamiliar language. Learners use modelled language to create texts such as a class story, script or contribution to a wiki space. They require opportunities to extend their language use by expressing ideas through expanding and connecting sentences.
Contexts of interaction
Learners use Indonesian to interact with the teacher and classmates, and may use technology to communicate with peers in Indonesia. Tasks are typically structured, collaborative and at times competitive, such as a group performance, class display or games. Learners may notice use of Indonesian in the community, such as in the media.
Texts and resources
Learners engage with a range of published texts such as readers, songs and computer games, as well as those prepared by the teacher of Indonesian, including language exercises, games and presentations. In addition, learners gain exposure to Indonesian language and culture through texts created for the Indonesian community, such as websites, music clips and television programs.
Features of Indonesian language use
Learners are expanding their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence construction. They develop a range of ber- verbs, simple conjunctions and prepositions, noticing that sentences follow a similar word order to English, apart from possessive pronouns and adjectives. They need to develop a metalanguage for describing aspects of Indonesian language and how it works. They are increasingly aware of the connection between language and cultural practices (for example, tawar-menawar, selamatan) and compare such connections to their own language and culture.
Level of support
Supports provided by the teacher at this level include explicit instruction, description, and comparison of Indonesian and English, modelled language use and examples of texts, and feedback on student work. Learners need practice and guidance in using dictionaries and access to word charts, vocabulary lists and examples when translating and creating texts.
The role of English
Indonesian is used for classroom routines and language learning tasks and may be used as the language of instruction for learning the content of other learning areas. The language of response varies according to task demands, with Indonesian used primarily for communicating in structured and supported tasks, and English (and other known languages) used for open-ended, comparative tasks that develop learners' understanding of language and culture.
Years 5 and 6 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: friendship, leisure; Key processes: corresponding, interacting] (ACLINC035 - Scootle )
[Key processes: planning, organising, negotiating] (ACLINC036 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: collaboration, responsibility; Key processes: requesting, interacting] (ACLINC037 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: lifestyle, event; Key processes: classifying, comparing] (ACLINC038 - Scootle )
[Key concept: literacy; Key processes: describing, reporting] (ACLINC039 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concepts: fact, fiction; Key process: describing; Key text types: story, script, cartoon] (ACLINC040 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: imagination, drama; Key processes: performing, composing; Key text types: dialogue, narrative] (ACLINC041 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concept: meaning; Key processes: translating, selecting] (ACLINC042 - Scootle )
[Key concept: equivalence; Key processes: comparing, modifying] (ACLINC043 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concepts: reaction, strangeness; Key processes: accommodating/rejecting, suggesting] (ACLINC044 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: belonging, identity; Key processes: recording, evaluating] (ACLINC045 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concepts: loan, emphasis; Key processes: experimenting, predicting] (ACLINU046 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: time, place; Key processes: applying, understanding] (ACLINU047 - Scootle )
[Key concept: coherence; Key processes: connecting, applying] (ACLINU048 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concepts: social distance/intimacy, context; Key processes: analysing, predicting] (ACLINU049 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: change, borrowing; Key processes: identifying, discussing] (ACLINU050 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concept: assumptions; Key processes: exploring, examining connections] (ACLINU051 - Scootle )
Years 5 and 6 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 6, students use Indonesian to convey information about themselves, their family and friends, and daily routines and activities. They locate specific details and use familiar words and phrases to predict meanings in texts. They respond to and create texts to describe and share factual and imaginative ideas and experiences, using formulaic phrases and modelled language. Students produce ng/ny/ngg sounds, and apply knowledge of pronunciation and spelling to predict the sound, spelling and meaning of new words. They ask and respond to questions using Apa?, Siapa? Berapa? and Di mana?, and interact spontaneously with peers in discussions on familiar topics. Students use subject-focus construction with a range of ber- verbs (such as bermain, berjalan, bercakap-cakap, berenang) and formulaic me- verbs (such as membaca, mendengarkan, menonton). They express numbers using ratus and ribu, and describe character and appearance using noun + adjective word order, (for example, Rumah Budi besar; Dia tinggi dan lucu). Students use possessive word order (for example, Nama teman saya…) and describe events in time using pada with whole numbers and days of the week. They use prepositions (such as di atas/dalam/belakang), and conjunctions (such as karena and tetapi). They translate texts, relying on key words and formulaic expressions, describing how meanings may vary across languages and cultures. Students identify aspects of language use that relate to people's (including their own) cultural perspectives and experiences.
Students know that Indonesian is a language system that has rules, and that word order in (subject-focus) sentences is similar to English. They identify features of texts such as adjectives in descriptions, superlatives in advertisements and imperatives in signs. Students know that language use varies according to age, relationships and situation, particularly in relation to terms of address and the nature of what is discussed. They identify loan words from English and their Indonesian spelling (televisi) and pronunciation (kriket). They describe similarities and differences between aspects of language and culture, such as celebrations (for example Idul Fitri and Hari Ulang Tahun), leisure (for example, takraw, bulu tangkis) and the environment (for example, desa, hutan). Students know that in both Indonesian and English some terms and expressions reflect culture-specific items and practices (for example, Selamat siang, mandi, guling) that cannot be directly translated.
Years 7 and 8
Years 7 and 8 Band Description
The nature of the learners
These years represent a transition to secondary school, and students in this pathway are continuing to study Indonesian, bringing with them a capability to communicate, with some assistance, about their immediate world and Indonesia. They have experience in analysing the major features of the language system and in considering intercultural exchanges, including their role in these.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners interact using Indonesian in classroom routines and communicative tasks. They give presentations and participate in dialogues, with some preparation and support, such as cue cards. They respond to short texts in Indonesian, locating specific details and gist. Learners are extending the range and quality of their writing through increased vocabulary and grammar knowledge, and by drafting and editing their own work and that of their peers. They recognise text-type features and use models to create a range of texts, including descriptions, recounts and reflections.
Contexts of interaction
The primary context for learning remains the Indonesian language class; however, there may be opportunities for interacting with peers in Indonesia and with other learners of Indonesian, such as through technology and sister school relationships. Learners may be exposed to Indonesian speakers, media and community events.
Texts and resources
Learners engage with a range of increasingly complex texts specifically designed for learning Indonesian in schools, such as textbooks, videos, stories and online resources. Use of authentic texts created for the Indonesian-speaking community, such as songs, films (with subtitles), websites, advertisements, and excerpts from stories, provides opportunities to extend learners' understanding of language and culture.
Features of Indonesian language use
Learners are extending their grammatical knowledge, such as how language structures and features are used in texts. They are increasingly aware of connections between language and culture, noticing, for example, degrees of formality in language use according to social relationships. Learners are exploring cultural concepts evident in Indonesian, such as gotong-royong, jam karet and selamatan, and comparing them to concepts in their own language and culture. They are learning to reflect on their own language and culture and how identity impacts on intercultural experiences.
Level of support
Learners require modelled language use, particularly at the paragraph and whole-text levels, and explicit instruction in grammatical knowledge, with comparison between English and Indonesian. They need support in using dictionaries, particularly in determining base words and choosing appropriate meanings for the context. Learners continue to access word lists, charts and examples to support their receptive and productive language use.
The role of English
Indonesian is used for classroom interaction, language learning tasks and experiences, and, with support, reflection on learning. Indonesian may be used for learning new content drawn from other learning areas. English is used for analysis, comparison and reflection in relation to abstract concepts.
Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: milestone, experience; Key processes: exchanging, connecting] (ACLINC052 - Scootle )
[Key processes: planning, inviting, transacting] (ACLINC053 - Scootle )
[Key concept: interaction; Key processes: requesting, clarifying] (ACLINC054 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concept: data; Key processes: summarising, evaluating] (ACLINC055 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: leisure, travel; Key processes: summarising, reporting] (ACLINC056 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concepts: moral, humour; Key processes: comparing, reviewing; Key text types: story, song, play] (ACLINC057 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: amusement, imagination, admiration, journey; Key processes: composing, collaborating, performing; Key text types: recount, advertisement, cartoon] (ACLINC058 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concept: equivalence; Key processes: approximating, comparing] (ACLINC059 - Scootle )
[Key concept: interpretation; Key processes: designing, explaining] (ACLINC060 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concept: comfort/discomfort; Key processes: monitoring, adjusting] (ACLINC061 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: perspective, biography; Key processes: analysing, reflecting] (ACLINC062 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concepts: stress, intonation; Key process: noticing emphasis] (ACLINU063 - Scootle )
[Key concept: system, affixation; Key processes: applying rules, understanding] (ACLINU064 - Scootle )
[Key concept: convention; Key processes: comparing, experimenting] (ACLINU065 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concept: register; Key processes: identifying, connecting, analysing] (ACLINU066 - Scootle )
[Key concept: evolution; Key processes: researching, recording] (ACLINU067 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concept: interdependence; Key processes: analysing, interpreting, reflecting] (ACLINU068 - Scootle )
Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 8, students use Indonesian to interact and exchange ideas, experiences and interests with teachers, peers and others. They pronounce familiar polysyllabic words such as mendengarkan, pekerjaan and mengerjakan, stressing the penultimate syllable. When interacting, they ask questions using for example Apakah?, Di mana?, Kapan?, Berapa?, and respond to questions using, for example, Setuju tidak? Benar/Salah, and asking follow up questions using, for example, Kapan? Bagaimana? Mengapa? They explain and clarify their answers using, for example, karena, or supaya. Students give opinions using for example Pada pendapat saya…, saya kira…, setuju/tidak setuju, make comparisons using lebih… daripada…, and state preferences using saya lebih suka…, yang paling baik… They locate and evaluate factual information in texts, and use models to create their own informative and imaginative texts in order to narrate, correspond with and report to others. . They vary their sentence construction (for example, rambut saya hitam/Ibu berambut cokelat/Bapak mempunyai rambut pirang) to create interest for the audience. Students use cohesive devices such as time markers (for example, Besok, sebelum), adverbs of frequency (for example, biasanya, jarang, belum pernah) and conjunctions (for example, lalu, untuk). They use a range of personal pronouns such as dia, mereka, kami, kita, ber- verbs such as bersekolah, berselancar and simple me- verbs such as memasak, memakai, menjadi, mengunjungi. Students use prepositions of time using pada and place, using di (including with, for example, belakang, samping, antara). They describe qualities using colours (for example, biru tua, merah muda) and adjectives (for example, sombong, murah hati). They translate across languages, identifying where equivalence is not possible, for example, gotong royong, jam karet or 'daylight saving'. They describe their reactions to intercultural experiences, describing aspects that do or do not fit with their own identity and considering why.
Students know that Indonesian has a base word system that works with prefixes and suffixes to create verbs and nouns, such as -an, ber- and me- words. They differentiate between similar-sounding words and how they are written (such as suka/sukar, muda/mudah), and apply spelling conventions such as ngg (tinggal) and final h (terima kasih). They describe how possessive word order differs from English and have a metalanguage to identify common features such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and subject-verb-object construction. Students identify and reproduce features of familiar text types such as salutations, narrative sequence and cohesive devices. They know that languages and cultures influence and borrow from each other. Students know that cultural values and ideas are embedded in language use, including their own, and consider where these may have come from and how they may be seen from another cultural perspective.
Years 9 and 10
Years 9 and 10 Band Description
The nature of the learners
At this level, students bring to their learning prior knowledge of Indonesian language and culture, and a range of language learning strategies. They are increasingly aware of the world beyond their own and are engaging with youth, social and environmental issues. They require guidance in learning Indonesian; however, they are increasingly independent and capable of analysis and reflection, including in relation to intercultural experiences. They are considering their future pathways and choices, including how Indonesian could be part of these.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners engage with a range of texts in Indonesian. They participate individually and in groups in tasks and experiences, such as corresponding with Indonesian peers, reviewing a video clip or planning an excursion. They participate in presentations, conversations, narration and interviews, sometimes with preparation and sometimes spontaneously. Learners acquire skills in analysing and translating increasingly complex texts, such as emails, recipes, poems, articles and songs. They use modelled language to write for personal and public purposes, such as journal entries, emails, blogs, scripts, and notes for a speech or debate.
Contexts of interaction
Learners interact with teachers and peers and may have access to members of the Indonesian-speaking community via online technologies. They may also encounter Indonesian in the wider community, such as in the media, film festivals, community events, guest speakers, exchange teachers/assistants or in-country travel.
Texts and resources
Learners use a wide range of texts designed for language learning, such as textbooks, teacher-generated materials and online resources. Their learning is enriched by exposure to a range of authentic texts from the Indonesian-speaking community, such as websites, films, stories, songs, television programs, advertisements and magazines.
Features of Indonesian language use
Learners extend their grammatical knowledge and metalanguage while beginning to explore important features of Indonesian such as register and object-focus construction. They consider connections between language and culture such as jamu, mudik, kewajiban and expressions such as Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and make comparisons with their own language and culture. They consider language variation, including through exposure to colloquial language such as in teenage magazines and social networking sites.
Level of support
Learners are increasingly aware of and responsible for their own learning, working independently to address their needs such as by accessing technologies to memorise, learn, and expand their language repertoire. They continue to access word lists, graphic organisers, modelled texts, dictionaries and teacher feedback to interpret and create texts. They require explicit instruction of the grammatical system and opportunities to discuss, practise and apply their knowledge. They may keep records of their learning, such as through an e-journal or folio, and use these to reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences.
The role of English
English provides a basis for linguistic and cultural comparison in learning Indonesian. English is also the medium for expressing experiences, abstract ideas and personal views at a level beyond learners' range in Indonesian, such as justifying a position on a social issue or exploring linguistic and cultural practices. English may be used in conjunction with Indonesian to conduct research (such as investigating a social issue or cultural practice), in translating, and in communicating bilingually.
Years 9 and 10 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: youth, memory; Key processes: developing relationships, building connections] (ACLINC069 - Scootle )
[Key processes: discussing, persuading] (ACLINC070 - Scootle )
[Key concept: metalanguage; Key processes: justifying, reflecting] (ACLINC071 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: representation, bias; Key processes: synthesising, evaluating] (ACLINC072 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: society, environment, media; Key processes: constructing, persuading] (ACLINC073 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concept: values; Key processes: analysing, interpreting, modifying; Key text types: song, poetry, script] (ACLINC074 - Scootle )
[Key concept: entertainment; Key processes: expressing, adapting; Key text types: drama, poetry, rap, cartoon] (ACLINC075 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concept: representation; Key processes: interpreting, comparing, explaining] (ACLINC076 - Scootle )
[Key concept: bilinguality; Key processes: adjusting, interpreting, reflecting] (ACLINC077 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concept: mutual understanding; Key processes: adapting, taking responsibility] (ACLINC078 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: image, identity; Key processes: explaining, reflecting] (ACLINC079 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concept: fluency; Key processes: prioritising, emphasising] (ACLINU080 - Scootle )
[Key concept: passive voice, transitivity; Key processes: analysing, manipulating] (ACLINU081 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: perspective, nuance; Key processes: analysing, correlating] (ACLINU082 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concepts: norms, variation; Key processes: analysing, explaining] (ACLINU083 - Scootle )
[Key concept: power; Key processes: critical analysis, appreciating] (ACLINU084 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concept: interdependence; Key processes: investigating, reflecting] (ACLINU085 - Scootle )
Years 9 and 10 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 10, students use Indonesian to communicate with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes. They pronounce the sounds ngg and ng, as well as sy (for example, masyarakat) and kh (for example, akhir), and use stress to create fluency in sentences. Students use and respond to open-ended questions such as Berapa lama? Dulu, apakah…, Kapan Anda…? Yang mana? Sudah pernah? and use strategies for initiating, sustaining and concluding oral and written exchanges. They locate, synthesise and evaluate specific details and gist from a range of texts. Students create a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts with some evidence of self-correction strategies. They include time markers such as Pada suatu hari, Keesokan harinya, Kemudian, and conjunctions such as namun, supaya, karena itu, to extend meanings such as in stories, comics, and written and oral reports. Students use yang to expand descriptions and ideas, and incorporate some object-focus construction to vary expression. They express opinions such as using Dari pihak saya, make comparisons such as using dibandingkan dengan, and incorporate emotions and humour. Students describe possibilities using terms such as kalau-kalau and andaikata, and express aspirations such as using Pada masa depan, mudah-mudahan, saya berharap. They translate texts and create bilingual texts, relying on textual features, patterns and grammatical knowledge, and comment on how meaning can vary across languages and cultures, such as the use of idioms and culture-specific terms. Students state reactions to intercultural experiences, and discuss their assumptions, interpretations, and any adjustments to their language use.
Students know that spoken and written Indonesian vary, identifying informal usage such as nggak and aja, exclamations such as kok and dong, and the dropping of prefixes, for example, Dia (mem) beli mobil baru. They show awareness of contractions (for example, ortu, angkot), acronyms such as SMU and hp, and abbreviations such as texting language (for example, jln, skolah and mkn). Students use metalanguage to discuss possessive and noun–adjective word order, and use knowledge of the base word and affixation system to predict meaning and decode new words using dictionaries. They know that language is used to create particular effects and influence others, such as through the use of imperatives and rhetorical devices. Students know that Indonesian is a national language that, for the majority of Indonesians, may be one of a number of known languages. They explain aspects of Indonesian language and culture, including concepts of diversity and nasib, and the importance of language, religion and ethnicity as identity markers. Students make connections between language use and cultural practices, values and assumptions, both in Indonesian and in their own language use.
Years 7 and 8
Years 7 and 8 Band Description
The nature of the learners
Students are beginning their study of Indonesian and typically have had little prior exposure to the language and associated cultures. Many will have learnt an additional language in primary school, some have proficiency in different home languages and bring existing language learning strategies and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning Indonesian. Students' textual knowledge developed through English literacy learning supports the development of literacy in Indonesian. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive. Students may need encouragement to take risks in learning a new language at this stage of social development and to consider issues of how the experience impacts on their sense of 'norms' associated with their first language and culture.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners use Indonesian in a range of classroom interactions and experiences. They read and listen to texts, and apply modelled language in creating their own texts, such as scripts, messages and stories. Learners draw on their literacy in their first language and their understanding of features of a range of text types to predict meanings and create texts in Indonesian, for example, emails, advertisements and instructions. They develop grammatical knowledge and language awareness through paying close attention to texts, comparing languages, and applying their knowledge in language exercises and tasks.
Learners consider fundamental concepts associated with Indonesian such as the diversity of peoples, religions, geography and languages. They explore the notion of Australia and Indonesia being neighbours, and compare aspects of environment, lifestyle and practices in both cultures. Learners use a range of processes, such as observing, comparing and reflecting on language use. They develop a metalanguage for discussing language and culture. They may monitor and reflect on their language and culture learning through discussions, a journal or shared digital space.
Contexts of interaction
The Indonesian language class is the main context for learning, with use of Indonesian for routines and structured interactions with peers and teachers. With teacher guidance, learners may communicate with Indonesian peers through information and communication technologies. They may encounter ideas about Indonesia outside of the classroom, such as in the media that they bring to their learning.
Texts and resources
Learners will be exposed to a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts, both spoken and written. They will engage with commercial, teacher-generated and authentic texts such as advertisements, greeting cards, songs, stories and notices, including in digital form. Some authentic texts will be used to analyse language use, for example, recipes, conversations, comic strips, excerpts from films (with subtitles) and television programs. Learners may interact with Indonesian speakers such as peers, teacher assistants or community members, both face to face and through technologies.
Features of Indonesian language use
Learners are introduced to the written and spoken forms of Indonesian, noticing that it uses the same alphabet as English but with some differences in pronunciation. They become familiar with a base word system with prefixes. Learners are introduced to word order and simple sentence construction. They begin to develop a sound knowledge of vocabulary, particularly terms related to people, places and things in their immediate world.
Level of support
Learners rely on teacher talk, instruction, modelling, feedback, and structured opportunities for practising and understanding new language. Supports include word lists/dictionaries, visual organisers, images and gesture. Learners may collaborate with peers in structured pair and group tasks that have clear roles and expectations. Learners require regular opportunities to monitor and evaluate their language and culture learning.
The role of English
Learners' repertoire in their first language far exceeds that in Indonesian and English is used as a scaffold and as a medium of instruction. It is likely that English will be used for explanations, discussions and analysis of the language system and cultural meanings in texts. Indonesian is used for routine exchanges and classroom interactions.
Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: self, friendship, pastimes; Key processes: socialising, describing] (ACLINC086 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: negotiation, transaction; Key processes: planning, negotiating, role-playing] (ACLINC087 - Scootle )
[Key concept: routine; Key processes: questioning, interacting] (ACLINC088 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: leisure, travel, geography, special occasions; Key processes: comprehending, classifying, sequencing] (ACLINC089 - Scootle )
[Key concept: culture; Key process: informing] (ACLINC090 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concepts: plot, character; Key processes: comprehending, describing; Key text types: cartoon, song, story] (ACLINC091 - Scootle )
[Key concept: creativity; Key processes: creating, performing; Key text types: (graphic) story, play, cartoon] (ACLINC092 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concepts: equivalence, representation; Key processes: translating, considering] (ACLINC093 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: audience, comprehensibility; Key processes: interpreting, comparing] (ACLINC094 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concepts: norms, assumptions; Key processes: monitoring, relating] (ACLINC095 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: self, profile; Key process: noticing] (ACLINC096 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concept: sound system; Key processes: recognising, comparing] (ACLINU097 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: grammatical system; Key process: understanding] (ACLINU098 - Scootle )
[Key concept: genre; Key process: analysing] (ACLINU099 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concept: variation; Key process: noticing] (ACLINU100 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: dynamism, communication; Key process: discussing] (ACLINU101 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concept: interdependence; Key processes: analysing, making connections] (ACLINU102 - Scootle )
Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 8, students share factual information and opinions about their personal and immediate worlds, including personal details, family, pets, friends, pastimes, school and neighbourhood. They interact with others orally and in writing, asking and responding to questions using Siapa, Apakah, Berapa, Bagaimana, Apa, Di/Ke/Dari mana…?, and expressing preferences using saya suka, kurang/tidak suka, mau/tidak mau. They pronounce the vowels and consonants such as c (ch) and r (trilled) and combined sounds such as ng, au. They use formulaic expressions (for example, saya tidak tahu, maaf, saya tidak mengerti, sekali lagi) to sustain interactions. Students describe qualities of appearance, colour, character and condition (such as tinggi, merah muda, lucu, panas), and identify quantities using numbers and fractions. They respond to and create texts to describe real and imagined events and characters. Students create personal, informative and imaginative texts incorporating textual features such as salutations and using cohesive devices such as conjunctions for example, dan, tetapi, karena and untuk. They form sentences with subject-verb-object construction (for example, Saya mau bermain sepak bola), typically using simple base words (for example, makan, minum, naik, bangun), ber- verbs (for example, bermain, belajar, berenang, berdansa, berlari) and formulaic me- verbs (for example, menonton, mendengarkan). Students refer to others using pronouns such as saya, kamu, dia, mereka, Bu/Pak, and use these in possessive form, including using -nya (for example, sepatunya trendi). They refer to events in time and place using the prepositions pada, di and ke as well as time markers such as sebelum/sesudah, yang lalu, and depan. Students predict meaning based on knowledge of their first language, text features and key words, including loan words from English. They translate texts, identifying culture-specific language such as vocabulary related to cultural artefacts (for example, gayung, becak, warung), environment (for example, sawah, desa, cicak), and practices (for example, Idul Fitri). Students describe their experiences of using Indonesian and views about how it fits with their sense of self.
Students know that Indonesian is a language used by millions of Indonesians in daily life and that it is constantly changing. They know that Indonesian uses a base word and affix system and they use metalanguage to describe and compare features and rules of sentence construction including the use of possessives and adjectives. Students identify textual features such as salutations, conversation markers and sequencing devices. They know that spoken and written forms of Indonesian can vary, for example, the elision of pronouns and some verbs in speech. They identify when language changes according to people and their relationships, such as informal language with friends (for example, kamu, nggak, hebat) and formal language with teachers and adults (for example, Anda, tidak, baik sekali). Students make connections between aspects of their own language and culture, such as particular expressions or practices, and compare these with Indonesian language and culture.
Years 7 and 8 Work Sample Portfolios
Years 9 and 10
Years 9 and 10 Band Description
The nature of the learners
Students have prior experience of learning Indonesian and bring a range of capabilities, strategies and knowledge that can be applied to new learning. They are expanding the range and nature of their learning experiences and of the contexts in which they communicate with others. They have a growing awareness of the wider world, including the diversity of languages, cultures and forms of intercultural communication. They are considering future pathways and prospects, including how Indonesian may feature in these.
Indonesian language learning and use
Learners engage with a range of texts in Indonesian. They need opportunities for both prepared and spontaneous language use, such as giving presentations, using captions and visual supports. Learners interact with others such as in conversations, interviews and correspondence, and in shared experiences such as games and excursions. They engage in individual and collaborative writing for public purposes, such as a debate or performance, and interact with Indonesian peers such as through information and communication technologies such as SMS, social networking sites and Skype. They create bilingual texts for peers and the wider school community, such as short stories, role-plays or skits, posters, articles or videos.
Learners need explicit instruction to understand new grammar such as embedded clauses and object-focus construction. They need opportunities to recognise patterns and rules, analyse texts, and make connections between language and culture. They consider the power of language to achieve particular effects and influence people, including themselves. They develop a metalanguage for comparing and contrasting aspects of language and culture, and reflecting on their own language and culture.
Contexts of interaction
The language class remains the main context of interaction for learning and using Indonesian, including interacting with a wide range of texts and people, such as teacher assistants and exchange students, and with peers in Indonesia using communication technologies. They may also encounter Indonesian in the wider community, such as in the media, film festivals, community events, guest speakers or in-country travel.
Texts and resources
Learners engage with language learning texts such as textbooks and online materials. They have increased exposure to authentic texts such as films, stories, songs, announcements, television programs, magazines, websites, blogs, video clips and social media texts.
Features of Indonesian language use
Students are learning to recognise differences in spoken and written Indonesian, as well as formal and informal language. They are developing understanding of the affixation system of Indonesian and learning to appreciate the importance of passive voice, religion, and a collectivist worldview that is evident in language use.
Level of support
Learners need opportunities for independent learning such as researching a topic of interest, and monitor their language learning needs and progress such as through a journal or folio. They analyse and reflect on texts and intercultural experiences, and may require models when constructing their own texts. While learners may seek teacher feedback, they also need to develop autonomous learning practices such as the use of dictionaries and mnemonic devices.
The role of English
Learners use Indonesian for daily interaction, discussion and exchanges with the teacher and peers. They may use English for debate, discussions and reflection on complex and abstract ideas that are beyond their linguistic range in Indonesian. English provides a reference point for comparing and contrasting their knowledge of Indonesian and understanding the nature of language and culture, including their own.
Years 9 and 10 Content Descriptions
Using language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning.
Interacting orally and in writing to exchange, ideas, opinions, experiences, thoughts and feelings; and participating in planning, negotiating, deciding and taking action.
[Key concepts: youth, relationship; Key processes: exchanging, comparing] (ACLINC103 - Scootle )
[Key concept: consumption; Key processes: negotiating, collaborating] (ACLINC104 - Scootle )
[Key concept: mutual respect, negotiation; Key processes: discussing, clarifying] (ACLINC105 - Scootle )
Obtaining, processing, interpreting and conveying information through a range of oral, written and multimodal texts; developing and applying knowledge.
[Key concepts: perspective, representation, concepts from other learning areas; Key processes: analysing, inferring, researching] (ACLINC106 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: fact, opinion; Key processes: constructing, presenting] (ACLINC107 - Scootle )
Engaging with imaginative experience by participating in responding to and creating a range of texts, such as stories, songs, drama and music.
[Key concept: imagination; Key processes: adapting, comparing and contrasting; Key text types: script, song/poem, story, video] (ACLINC108 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: journey, adventure, emotion; Key processes: narrating, sequencing; Key text types: story, game/show, comic] (ACLINC109 - Scootle )
Moving between languages and cultures orally and in writing, recognising different interpretations and explaining these to others.
[Key concepts: equivalence, representation; Key processes: translating, comparing] (ACLINC110 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: interpretation, bilinguality; Key processes: constructing, composing, explaining] (ACLINC111 - Scootle )
Participating in intercultural exchange, questioning reactions and assumptions; and considering how interaction shapes communication and identity.
[Key concept: intraculturality; Key processes: questioning assumptions, reflecting] (ACLINC112 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: identity, diversity; Key processes: monitoring, comparing, reflecting] (ACLINC113 - Scootle )
Analysing and understanding language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange.
Systems of language
Understanding the language system, including sound, writing, grammar and text.
[Key concepts: fluency, rhythm; Key processes: reproducing, experimenting] (ACLINU114 - Scootle )
[Key concept: grammatical systems; Key processes: experimenting, applying] (ACLINU115 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: power, influence, emotion; Key processes: analysing, evaluating] (ACLINU116 - Scootle )
Language variation and change
Understanding how languages vary in use (register, style, standard and non-standard varieties) and change over time and place.
[Key concepts: formality, register; Key processes: observing, analysing] (ACLINU117 - Scootle )
[Key concepts: impact, power, technology; Key processes: analysing, discussing] (ACLINU118 - Scootle )
Role of language and culture
Analysing and understanding the role of language and culture in the exchange of meaning.
[Key concepts: multiplicity, language ecology; Key processes: exploring, reflecting, explaining] (ACLINU119 - Scootle )
Years 9 and 10 Achievement Standards
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 10, students interact with peers and adults using written and spoken Indonesian to communicate about personal interests and relationships, practices and experiences, and about broader issues such as health and the environment, including as these relate to Indonesia. They respond to and create personal, descriptive, informative and imaginative texts for a range of purposes. When participating in presentations, correspondence and dialogues, students use both rehearsed and spontaneous language, and exchange facts, ideas and opinions, using questions such as Bagaimana, Mengapa and Untuk apa? In speaking, they apply conventions of pronunciation, stress and rhythm to a range of sentence structures. Students use a variety of me- verbs, pronouns, and noun forms such as ke-an, pe- and pe-an. They apply knowledge of textual features such as salutations, sequencing, and persuasive and emotive language to comprehend and create public texts. Students use embedded clauses with yang to expand ideas, and create cohesion and interest by using conjunctions such as misalnya, seperti, termasuk and yaitu. They refer to the past (for example, yang lalu, dulu), present (for example, sedang, sedangkan, sambil, sementara) and future (for example, akan, mau, kalau, besok, masa depan). Students engage with others using formulaic expressions and verbal fillers to sustain and extend interactions, for example, maaf, mohon diulang, saya kurang memahami, oh, begitu! dan kamu?, dengan siapa? Maksud saya, anu. They translate texts and create bilingual texts, comparing different interpretations and deciding how to deal with instances of non-equivalence, such as proverbs, idioms, proper nouns, and culture-specific terms and expressions. They describe their own reactions in intercultural encounters and reflect on how these may relate to their own assumptions and identity, and how they may be perceived by others.
Students know that Indonesian is a national, standardised language used for education, media and government, and that it is one of many languages in Indonesia. They know that language use varies according to context, purpose, audience and mode, and that languages change over time. They identify colloquial forms (for example, banget, cowok) and make connections between these and their formal counterparts (for example, gimana?/Bagaimana?; kalo/kalau; nggak/tidak). They use metalanguage to discuss features of language, texts and grammar such as object-focus construction. They know affixation rules for forming verbs (for example, me-kan, me-i) and nouns (for example, pe-, pe-an, ke-an) and apply this to predict and decipher meanings, including using bilingual dictionaries effectively. Students know that Indonesian borrows from other languages, including local and foreign languages. They make connections between aspects of culture in language use such as terms for artefacts (for example, kris, andong), practices (for example, minum jamu, batik/ikat), ideas (for example, halus/kasar) and values (for example, sopan/tidak sopan, rendah hati).
Years 9 and 10 Work Sample Portfolios
Last updated 8 August 2019
Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 in Queensland
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