The documents in this section are for use with the Australian Curriculum version 8.4.
For version 9.0 resources see Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland.
The standards elaborations assist teachers to use the Australian Curriculum achievement standards to make consistent, comparable and defensible A–E judgments about the evidence in student work.
The Notes sections of the following resources have been updated to reflect the current definitions used by ACARA and the QCAA. Edits have been made to some descriptors to enhance their clarity and the discernible differences from A–E. Not all standard elaborations have been affected.
- Prep Year English standard elaborations (DOCX, 113.7 KB) (PDF, 188.9 KB)
- Year 1 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 114.7 KB) (PDF, 185.6 KB)
- Year 2 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 116.9 KB) (PDF, 202.9 KB)
- Year 3 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 113.0 KB) (PDF, 181.0 KB)
- Year 4 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 113.8 KB) (PDF, 180.1 KB)
- Year 5 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 110.6 KB) (PDF, 177.7 KB)
- Year 6 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 111.9 KB) (PDF, 177.1 KB)
- Year 7 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 110.9 KB) (PDF, 172.7 KB)
- Year 8 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 106.8 KB) (PDF, 171.2 KB)
- Year 9 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 112.2 KB) (PDF, 165.2 KB)
- Year 10 English standard elaborations (DOCX, 112.6 KB) (PDF, 171.1 KB)