The documents in this section are for use with the Australian Curriculum version 8.4.
For version 9.0 resources see Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland.
Unit details
Unit title: Rights
Timing and duration: Term 4, 6 weeks
Assessment overview
Assessment title: Animal rights
Context: In Term 4, students have conducted research on the topic of rights. In this task, they read and select relevant information and evidence to write a persuasive feature article about an animal rights issue. Students use high-modality vocabulary and apply persuasive techniques in their article.
Technique and format: Extended response: Persuasive feature article
Mode and conditions: Written — (typed): 200–400 words, supervised in-class examination conditions
Assessment dates: Term 4, Weeks 6–7
A ZIP file of all Year 6 English sample assessment resources will be available.