The documents in this section are for use with the Australian Curriculum version 8.4.
For version 9.0 resources see Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland.
Unit details
Unit title: Poetry and song
Timing and duration: Term 4, 6 weeks
Assessment overview
Assessment title: Song lyric response
Context: In Term 4, students have read and analysed a variety of poems and song lyrics. They have interpreted and evaluated poetic language and the meaning of poems. They have analysed the poetic techniques and language features used by poets. In this task, students write an analytical essay that explains their point of view about how language features in a song's lyrics influence the interest of audiences.
Technique and format: Extended response: Analytical essay
Mode and conditions: Written — 200–300 words, completed in class in two 50-minute sessions
Assessment dates: Term 4, Week 6
A ZIP file of all Year 5 English sample assessment resources will be available.