The documents in this section are for use with the Australian Curriculum version 8.4.
For version 9.0 resources see Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland.
Unit details
Unit title: Persuade me
Timing and duration: Term 4, 6 weeks
Assessment overview
Assessment title: Toys are important: Persuade me
Context: In Term 3, students learnt about toys through a research and design project where they created an innovative toy. In Term 4, students use their research on favourite toys and knowledge of toy creation to practise writing persuasively to express opinions about the importance of toys.
Technique and format: Extended response: Persuasive exposition
Mode and conditions: Written — 100–200 words, completed in class in four 30-minute sessions
Assessment date: Term 4, Week 6
A ZIP file of all Year 4 English sample assessment resources will be available.