The documents in this section are for use with the Australian Curriculum version 8.4.
For version 9.0 resources see Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland.
Unit details
Unit title: Picture book author study
Timing and duration: Term 4, 6 weeks
Assessment overview
Assessment title: Narrative recount of Nick Bland’s The Very Cranky Bear or The Very Itchy Bear.
Context: In Term 4, students have read picture books and stories that present a point of view. They have written short persuasive texts experimenting with persuasive language features, including 'strong' words or commands. In this task, students recount a familiar picture book, draw pictures, sequence the events in the book, and write a statement to describe a time when they felt a similar emotion or had a similar experience to the main character.
Technique and formats: Extended response: Imaginative — recount, pictorial representation and short statement.
Modes and conditions:
- Part A: Oral recount
- supervised
- images from text provided to students requiring guidance to retell the story orally
- Part B: Pictorial representation — supervised
- Part C: Short statement and pictorial representation
- supervised
- lined paper and blank box provided
Assessment date: Term 4, Week 6.
A ZIP file of all Prep English sample assessment resources will be available.