6 July 2022
Notice 061/22
Amendments have been made to the Drama Alternative Sequence 2019 v1.1 to strengthen and clarify content and assessment requirements.
Summative internal assessment 3 (AS U2 IA3): Project — practice-led project (35%)
Assessment objectives 3, 5, 6 and 7 have been modified. Amendments provide further clarity about the use of a chosen Realism text and the use of Magical Realism or Australian Gothic conventions and styles in reimagining and adapting the chosen Realism text.
The specifications of the assessment and the instrument-specific marking guide has been amended to align with changes to Assessment objectives 3, 5, 6 and 7.
The Drama Alternative Sequence 2019 v1.1 and associated resources are available in the QCAA Portal.
More information
Angela Pratt, Learning Area Manager, The Arts
Email: TheArts@qcaa.qld.edu.au