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QCE system update — March 2025

Registration of text choices for 2025 Prescribed texts lists

Schools must register their text choices for English, English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Literature and their recorded live performances for Drama and Drama Alternative Sequence by Friday 16 May 2025 via the Prescribed Lists app in the QCAA Portal.

See memo 010/25 (PDF, 252.8 KB) to access the lists and find out how to register your school’s choices.

Common internal assessment (CIA)

Phase 1 of the CIA for Essential English and Essential Mathematics runs from Tuesday 22 April to Friday 23 May. If your school has registered for this phase, you can expect to receive the assessment materials on Tuesday 1 April.

See memo 011/25 (PDF, 162.6 KB) for important information about what you will receive, how to secure the materials and check your school/student details in the Student Management app.

Phase 1 CIA webinars

Sign up to our free webinars about the Phase 1 CIA for information about administering the CIA, using the marking guides and how to prepare students:

Phase 1 and 2 CIA webinars

Our free Phase 1 and 2 CIA webinars give you the chance to engage with the CIA marking guides and understand how to use them to prepare students.

Phase 2 CIA webinars

Schools delivering the Phase 2 CIA can attend a free webinar about administering the CIA, using the marking guides and preparing students.

Senior syllabus implementation resources

The QCAA is updating the sample teaching, learning and assessment plans (TLAPs) for the revised General and General (Extension) syllabuses. TLAPs for some syllabuses are available now in the syllabus app in the QCAA Portal (under the resources tab) and more will be added in the coming weeks.

QCE Achievement Awards

The top Year 12 graduates from 2024 were celebrated on Saturday 15 February at the annual QCE Achievement Awards ceremony.

Sponsored by Griffith University, The University of Queensland and the University of Southern Queensland, the event recognised the 39 award winners who outperformed more than 50,000 of their peers. You can read the winners’ stories, including their advice to current students, on the QCAA website.

myQCE update for students

The Term 1 issue of myQCE update is now available on the myQCE website. It gives students in Years 10-12 information about the QCE system, senior schooling and further education. It’s emailed to students at the start of each Term and is available online.

Confirmation event 1 preparation

In preparation for the confirmation event 1 review meetings in early May, schools must enter provisional marks for the first internal assessment (IA1) in General and General (Extension) subjects into the Student Management app in the QCAA Portal by 2 April.

Schools will be able to upload required samples from 22 to 29 April.

See memo 012/25 (PDF, 305.9 KB) for information about confirmation key dates and processes.

Applied quality assurance meeting dates

Quality assurance processes for Applied and Applied (Essential) subjects are changing from 2025. The QCAA will hold quality assurance meetings from 16 July until 5 August. Schools will need to upload required samples for Applied (Essential) and scheduled Applied subjects by 25 June. Detailed information about what schools need to do to upload samples and how to register for the meetings will be provided in a future memo.

See the QCAA website for more information about Applied quality assurance.

Professional development

AARA webinar and workshops

Our free webinar on 13, 14 and 15 May will help schools understand commonly requested or reported access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA).

Registrations are also open for our AARA face to face workshops happening across the state in Term 3.

Analytical Dashboard data

The QCAA’s Analytical Dashboard allows schools to view results data for General and General (Extension) subjects and develop strategies to evaluate teaching, learning and assessment practices. Find out how at our free webinar on 1 April.

Science sessions – IA1 data test

Science teachers marking and reviewing the IA1: Data test can attend a free webinar on 18, 20 or 24 March. The session is designed to enhance knowledge and skills in writing effective marking schemes and reviewing the IA1: Data test marking across a cohort.

Senior syllabuses — HOD forums and communities of practice workshops

Our professional development sessions on the revised syllabuses continue with face-to-face HOD forums and communities of practice workshops.

Events for Sciences and HPE & Technologies that were cancelled due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred have been rescheduled. Register via the links below:

Student Management webinar

Principal’s delegates and Student Management administrators can attend a free webinar on 20 or 24 March about results data processes for IA1 in General and General (Extension) subjects.

Engineering teacher workshops at QUT

The QCAA is collaborating with QUT’s Faculty of Engineering to deliver specialised training sessions for engineering educators. Discover the latest teaching methods, tools and techniques to enhance your curriculum and inspire students with foundational and advanced engineering concepts. The workshop runs over two days (16 and 17 April) and covers:

  • Engineering Fundamentals & Emerging Technologies (Units 1 & 2)
  • Civil Structures & Machines & Mechanisms (Units 3 & 4).

Register via the QUT website (note that a $350 registration fee applies).

Employment opportunities

The QCAA is recruiting to the following positions:

Review Officer, AARA Unit (External Assessment)
Casual (AO5). Applications close 19 September. See Smartjobs for more information.

Manager, External Assessment Implementation
Fixed Term Temporary full-time until 29 August 2025. Applications close 20 March. See Smartjobs for more information.

SEP calendar dates for March

The Senior Education Profile (SEP) calendar lists the key dates for endorsement, assessment, data submission and certification throughout the year — see the QCAA website for the key dates for March

Changed schools?

If you’ve moved schools, remember to update your details and transfer your QCAA Portal account. To find out more, visit the QCAA website.

School leaders should also check that staff have the appropriate roles in the QCAA Portal applications and ensure details for principal’s delegate/s are up to date.

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