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QCE system update — October 2024

External assessment AARA webinar

School staff responsible for access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) can attend a free webinar on 9 October to help them prepare for external assessments. The session will focus on processes for approved use of computers and assistive technology in external assessment, implementation of other common AARA and illness and misadventure applications.

Data checking for students exiting school in 2024

Schools are reminded they should carefully check all data in the Student Management app to make sure it’s correct.

The final date in 2024 for entering data is Thursday 21 November. Schools can view QCE and QCIA eligibility for individual students until Friday 29 November.

See memo 049/24 (PDF, 235.3 KB) for information.

QCE Achievement Awards certificates go online

As well as releasing Year 12 results earlier than usual, the QCAA will issue QCE Achievement Awards commendation certificates electronically via student learning accounts for the first time!

Eligible students will be able to download the below certificates on Wednesday 11 December.

  • Certificate of Academic Commendation — for students who achieve an A in six or more General and/or General (Extension) subjects.
  • Subject Achievement Commendation — for students who achieve the highest result in at least one General or General (Extension) subject.

Students can access their learning account in the Student Portal, via the myQCE website.

Changes to the National Vocational Education and Training Regular (NVR) Act

Earlier this year the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) announced two changes to the registration requirements for school Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). See memo 047/24 (PDF, 424.6 KB) for information about the changes.

The QCAA is running free webinars in early November to help schools understand the recent changes to the NVR Act.

Essential English and Essential Mathematics — 2025 CIA dates and topics

In 2025 schools will deliver the CIAs for Essential English and Essential Mathematics during one of two five-week phases. Schools must select their phase of delivery via the Student Management app in the QCAA Portal.

See memo 046/24 (PDF, 162.1 KB) for more information, including CIA topics and key dates.

Applications open for assessment writing roles

The QCAA is recruiting teachers for roles on writing and scrutiny panels for external assessment and common internal assessment for Essential English and Essential Mathematics. The development period runs from December 2024 to February 2025. Applications close on 18 October — see memo 048/24 (PDF, 155.4 KB) for information about the eligibility criteria and how to apply.

Professional development

Syllabus familiarisation and planning

Selected dates are still available for the QCAA’s remaining free Community of practice webinars for these revised syllabuses:

Free webinars are also available to help schools with familiarisation and planning for the revised numeracy and literacy short courses. Register via the links below:

Legal Studies — preparing IA3 for endorsement

HODs and teachers of Legal Studies can attend a free webinar on 22 October to help them understand the syllabus requirements for IA3 and prepare for endorsement.

Curriculum conversations (The Arts)

Our popular curriculum conversations webinars are available for the following subjects during October:

Student Management

Whether you’re new to the Student Management app, or want a refresher about key dates and processes, our free webinars are a must. Register via the links below:

Employment opportunities

The QCAA is recruiting several roles across the organisation:

  • Principal Project Officer Kindergarten
    (A07, fixed term temporary full-time until 31 December 2025)
    Applications close 23 October — see Smartjobs for more information and to apply.
  • Graphic Designer or Desktop Publisher
    (A05, fixed term temporary full-time until 27 June 2024)
    Applications close 7 October — see Smartjobs for more information and to apply.
  • Principal Education Officer (Mathematics)
    (A07, permanent full-time)
    Applications close 14 October — see Smartjobs for more information and to apply.
  • Principal Project Officer (Assessment Services)
    (A07, permanent full-time)
    Applications close 7 October. See Smartjobs for more information and to apply.

SEP calendar dates you need to know

2025 SEP calendar out now

The 2025 Senior Education Profile calendar is now available. It contains all the key dates for data submission, endorsement, confirmation, and more.

Key SEP dates for October 2024

1 October
  • QCAA begins endorsement interventions for non-endorsed assessment
  • Compressed curriculum cohorts – Provisional marks for all remaining internal assessment for General and General (Extension) subjects due via Student Management app
3 October
  • QCAA publishes required samples for compressed curriculum cohorts for General and General (Extension) subjects via the Confirmation app
4 October
  • Compressed curriculum cohorts – due date for upload of required samples for General and General (Extension) subjects due via the Confirmation app
8 October
  • Senior External Examination (SEE) period starts for Chinese SEE, Indonesian SEE, Korean SEE and Vietnamese SEE
11 October
  • AARA applications due for existing long-term and chronic conditions for students with a 2025 completion year
  • QCAA endorsement interventions end
14 October
  • Enrolments for 2025 QCAA General (Extension) and Compressed curriculum subjects due in Student Management app
17 – 18 October
  • QCIA state review meetings
21 October
  • External assessment block starts for General and General (Extension) subjects
  • Endorsement applications open for submission of remaining internal assessments for General and Applied (Essential) 2025 completion year subjects
25 October
  • QCAA releases QCIA feedback to schools via email to Principal’s delegates

Changed schools?

If you’ve moved schools, remember to update your details and transfer your QCAA Portal account.

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