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Number Title Category Date
030/24 Release of 2024 NAPLAN student reports and test results (PDF, 204.5 KB) Prep–Year 10 18/06/2024
014/24 Consultation on the draft revised Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG) (PDF, 157.3 KB) Kindergarten 15/03/2024
022/24 Release of the Senior subject guide Version 1.9 (PDF, 156.1 KB) Senior secondary 01/05/2024
020/24 QCIA verification processes for 2024 (PDF, 166.5 KB) Senior secondary 01/05/2024
026/24 2024 external assessment timetable now available (PDF, 147.1 KB) Senior secondary 30/05/2024
035/24 New date for 2024 certification (PDF, 159.5 KB) Senior secondary 15/07/2024
004/24 Release of 2023 subject reports (PDF, 148.9 KB) Senior secondary 19/01/2024
002/24 Principal's delegate professional learning series (PDF, 155.4 KB) Senior secondary 15/01/2024
019/24 UPDATED Release of 2024 NAPLAN preliminary Student and school summary report (SSSR) (PDF, 289.2 KB) Prep–Year 10 26/04/2024
017/24 Student Management application: Release of Class groups functionality (PDF, 147.8 KB) Senior secondary 24/04/2024
005/24 2024 Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) claim process and rates (PDF, 141.2 KB) All schools 24/01/2024
013/24 Confirmation 2024 — Event 1 (PDF, 244.5 KB) Senior secondary 13/03/2024
009/24 Senior secondary certification agreement 2024 (PDF, 127.5 KB) Senior secondary 06/02/2024
028/24 External assessment invigilators — applications now open (PDF, 154.6 KB) Senior secondary 12/06/2024
010/24 Release of the Years 7–9 academic integrity toolkit (PDF, 129.1 KB) Prep–Year 10 16/02/2024
011/24 Prescribed Lists application: Registration of choices for 2024 (PDF, 172.3 KB) Senior secondary 11/03/2024
034/24 2024 EA marker training schedule now available (PDF, 147.0 KB) Senior secondary 08/07/2024
029/24 Directions for administration: External assessment (PDF, 143.7 KB) Senior secondary 18/06/2024
027/24 Confirmation 2024 — Event 2 (opt-in) (PDF, 235.3 KB) Senior secondary 31/05/2024
021/24 Administering the second phase of the common internal assessment in 2024 (PDF, 168.9 KB) Senior secondary 01/05/2024
018/24 Language speaker recruitment (PDF, 263.4 KB) Senior secondary 23/04/2024
015/24 Literacy and Numeracy Short Course syllabuses — Draft 2 consultation (PDF, 137.5 KB) Senior secondary 25/03/2024
024/24 Applied (Essential) quality assurance meetings 2024 (PDF, 233.9 KB) Senior secondary 09/05/2024
012/24 Administering the first phase of the common internal assessment in 2024 (PDF, 164.3 KB) Senior secondary 12/03/2024
032/24 External assessment: 2024 variation to venue application process (PDF, 165.4 KB) Senior secondary 08/07/2024
008/24 UPDATED Publication of revised General, Applied (Essential) and Short Course syllabuses (PDF, 150.7 KB) Senior secondary 15/02/2024
033/24 General, Applied (Essential) and Short Course 2025 and General (Extension) 2026 v1.1 syllabuses (PDF, 143.3 KB) Senior secondary 08/07/2024
016/24 Ancient History and Modern History 2024, 2025 and 2026 external assessment topics (PDF, 174.0 KB) Senior secondary 17/04/2024
025/24 Prescribed text lists refreshment for 2026–2028: School survey (PDF, 138.1 KB) Senior secondary 24/05/2024
007/24 2024 General (Senior External Examination (SEE)) subjects for Year 12 students (PDF, 201.8 KB) Senior secondary 05/02/2024
001/24 Compressed curriculum cohorts 2024 and 2025 (PDF, 148.7 KB) Senior secondary 15/01/2024
023/24 Applications open for external assessment markers (PDF, 184.7 KB) Senior secondary 08/05/2024
006/24 QCIA students exiting in 2024 and 2025 (PDF, 179.8 KB) Senior secondary 30/01/2024
003/24 Release of QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook Version 5.0 (PDF, 156.4 KB) Senior secondary 15/01/2024
036/24 Preparing for 2024 external assessment (PDF, 223.2 KB) Senior secondary 15/07/2024
031/24 myQCE competition for Years 10–12 students (PDF, 166.8 KB) Senior secondary 08/07/2024

Number of memos displayed: 36

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