Request for QCAA Portal Access Management role: Access Management Organisation Administrator
Access Management Organisation Administrators manage user accounts for staff at their school, and:
- create new accounts for staff members without an existing account
- approve pending account requests
- add and revoke access to the QCAA Portal and specific applications.
Due to security reasons, Organisation Administrator role holders are unable to manage their own access. You will need to contact another Organisation Administrator to assist you with additional access.
Each school must have at least 2 Organisation Administrators. When you have made an application, the confirmation page will prompt you to submit another application for the same school - this will prefill your details.
This form is used to add Access Management Organisation Administrator access in the QCAA Portal. Access Management Organisation Administrators manage user accounts for staff at their school, and:
- create new accounts for staff members without an existing account
- approve pending account requests
- add and revoke access to the QCAA Portal and specific applications.
Due to security reasons, Organisation Administrators role holders are unable to manage their own access. You will need to contact another Organisation Administrator to assist you with additional access.
Each school must have at least 2 Organisation Administrators. When you have made an application, the confirmation page will prompt you to submit another application for the same school - this will prefill your details.
The information you provide on this form is being collected and used in relation to the functions and powers prescribed under Part 2 of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014. The information will be accessed by QCAA staff and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Information held by the QCAA is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009.