QCAA Portal

QCAA Portal help

QCAA Portal log in (10 files)
Portal technical help and pop-up tester
Logging in to the QCAA Portal (PDF, 622.8 KB)
Registering to access the QCAA Portal (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Kindergarten teachers accessing the QCAA Portal (PDF, 514.2 KB)
Reset your password (PDF, 958.6 KB)
Setting your password if your account has been created for you (PDF, 608.2 KB)
List of roles assignable by an Access Management Organisation Administrator — schools (Portal login required)
Access Management Organisation Administrator request
Access Management Kindergarten Administrator request
External RTO access to Student Management (PDF, 1.1 MB)
AARA (9 files)
Create a new AARA application (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Edit an AARA application (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Submit an AARA application (PDF, 616.5 KB)
Create a new illness and misadventure application (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Edit an illness and misadventure application (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Submit an illness and misadventure application (PDF, 454.7 KB)
Create a new variation to venue application (PDF, 883.0 KB)
Edit a variation to venue application (PDF, 755.4 KB)
Submit a variation to venue application (PDF, 508.7 KB)
Access Management (10 files)
Action registration requests (PDF, 472.7 KB)
Create an account for a person who has not self-registered (PDF, 947.6 KB)
Search for staff members (PDF, 667.7 KB)
Assign and revoke roles (PDF, 725.9 KB)
Action role access requests (PDF, 481.9 KB)
Assign Principal and Principal’s delegate positions (PDF, 624.5 KB)
Upload organisation logo (PDF, 328.1 KB)
Reports — Staff QCAA Portal access (PDF, 506.4 KB)
Access Management Kindergarten Administrator help guide — kindergartens (PDF, 2.5 MB)
Video: Creating a QCAA Portal account for kindergarten teachers — kindergartens (MP4, 5.9 MB)
Analytical Dashboard (3 files)
Allocate subjects (PDF, 348.8 KB)
View dashboard (PDF, 3.7 MB)
View enrolments (PDF, 844.2 KB)
Assessment Literacy (1 files)
Assessment Literacy reporting (PDF, 417.8 KB)
Assessor Jobs (6 files)
View vacancies (PDF, 852.8 KB)
Apply for a vacancy (PDF, 1.6 MB)
My applications (PDF, 243.2 KB)
Principal authorisation (PDF, 607.4 KB)
My offers (PDF, 225.6 KB)
QCAA — Workplace health and safety documentation (PDF, 381.1 KB)
Confirmation (11 files)
Allocating subjects (PDF, 519.8 KB)
Upload samples (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Approve samples (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Submit samples (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Request for a review of a confirmed result (PDF, 954.6 KB)
Managing interventions for confirmation samples (PDF, 2.2 MB)
QCAA Confirmers (PDF, 3.1 MB)
QCAA Lead Confirmers (PDF, 3.9 MB)
QCAA Chief Confirmers (PDF, 3.0 MB)
Confirmation assessors IT support FAQ (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Confirmation submission information (Portal login required)
EA Markers (3 files)
External Assessment Markers (PDF, 741.7 KB)
External Assessment Lead Markers (PDF, 1.8 MB)
External Assessment Chief Markers (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Endorsement (15 files)
Allocating subjects to Editors and Approvers (PDF, 537.6 KB)
Endorsement roles explained (PDF, 219.8 KB)
Developing summative internal assessment instruments (PDF, 2.9 MB)
Creating a comparable assessment (for an individual or small group) (PDF, 860.2 KB)
Amendments (PDF, 1.0 MB)
General Endorsement FAQs (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Languages — FAQs (PDF, 268.5 KB)
Mathematics — Tips for developing assessment for Mathematics in the Endorsement application (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Science — Tips for developing assessment for Sciences in the Endorsement application (PDF, 423.4 KB)
Disabling the pop-up blocker in your browser
QCAA Endorsers (PDF, 2.1 MB)
QCAA Lead Endorsers (PDF, 3.4 MB)
QCAA Chief Endorsers (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Editing authentication strategies in the assessment template (PDF, 151.1 KB)
Video: Developing and submitting internal assessment for endorsement
External Assessment (11 files)
Acknowledge timetable clash resolution (PDF, 628.1 KB)
Attendance roll (PDF, 856.7 KB)
Deliveries (PDF, 626.2 KB)
Incident record (PDF, 728.0 KB)
Resources for assessments (PDF, 337.2 KB)
Review proposed invigilators (PDF, 338.9 KB)
Session AARA details (PDF, 346.5 KB)
Student details, AARA, timetable (PDF, 366.5 KB)
Variation to venue (PDF, 604.4 KB)
Venue timetable (PDF, 492.0 KB)
Venue details, contacts and delivery signatories (PDF, 574.4 KB)
FileShare (8 files)
Allocate teachers (PDF, 333.1 KB)
Download assessment files (PDF, 511.0 KB)
Assessment returns (PDF, 474.6 KB)
General files (PDF, 456.4 KB)
File requests (PDF, 383.1 KB)
Reporting files (PDF, 276.8 KB)
Welfare files (PDF, 373.2 KB)
Marker Training (PDF, 663.9 KB)
Invigilators (1 files)
QCAA Invigilators (PDF, 1018.4 KB)
Kindergarten Transition Statement (6 files)
Create kindergarten transition statements (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Submit kindergarten transition statements (PDF, 962.0 KB)
Delete kindergarten transition statements (PDF, 665.7 KB)
Create classes (PDF, 728.9 KB)
View reports (PDF, 764.6 KB)
View kindergarten transition statements (PDF, 468.6 KB)
Learning Hub (2 files)
Access courses (PDF, 817.3 KB)
Learning Hub reporting (PDF, 315.4 KB)
My Details (1 files)
My Details (PDF, 5.0 MB)
NAPLAN AARA (2 files)
Create NAPLAN AARA application (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Create a temporary injury notice (PDF, 579.9 KB)
NAPLAN Administration (9 files)
File import — Register multiple students (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Register multiple students — codes and characters (PDF, 145.5 KB)
Check Year 2 census data (PDF, 290.6 KB)
Register single student (PDF, 522.5 KB)
Review duplicate student records (PDF, 512.0 KB)
Edit student details (PDF, 522.6 KB)
Class groups (PDF, 679.8 KB)
Online forms (PDF, 803.5 KB)
Deliveries (PDF, 356.8 KB)
NAPLAN Markers (3 files)
QCAA NAPLAN Markers (PDF, 685.4 KB)
QCAA Group Leaders (PDF, 1.6 MB)
QCAA Professional Leaders (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Prescribed Lists (2 files)
Create school submissions (PDF, 577.2 KB)
Submit school submissions (PDF, 443.8 KB)
P–10 Planning (10 files)
Configure P–10 Planning (PDF, 703.2 KB)
Teacher allocations (PDF, 2.0 MB)
Select your subjects (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Create year level/band plans (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Create multi-age year level/band plans (PDF, 4.0 MB)
Review and approve year level/band plans (PDF, 1006.2 KB)
Assessment tasks (PDF, 871.0 KB)
Approve assessment tasks (PDF, 176.4 KB)
NEW View data summaries (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Frequently asked questions v1.3 (PDF, 272.3 KB)
Student Management (20 files)
Register students to your organisation (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Student learning account (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Subject offering setup (PDF, 614.5 KB)
Subject offering setup —Applied Syllabuses 2024 (PDF, 449.0 KB)
International Baccalaureate subject offering setup (PDF, 433.3 KB)
Enrol multiple students (PDF, 443.7 KB)
Create class groups (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Record multiple student results — units 1, 2 & short courses (PDF, 584.7 KB)
Record multiple student results - units 3 & 4 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
QCE eligibility (PDF, 727.4 KB)
Searches (PDF, 717.6 KB)
File import — Create subject offering enrolments (PDF, 771.1 KB)
File import — Create International Baccalaureate offering enrolments (PDF, 729.2 KB)
File import — Add/update Short course result (PDF, 1.0 MB)
File import — Create VET enrolments (PDF, 842.3 KB)
File import — Update VET qualifications (PDF, 881.7 KB)
File import — Update VET competency (PDF, 825.5 KB)
File import — Update student USI (PDF, 714.2 KB)
VET template setup (PDF, 956.7 KB)
Request duplicate learning account review (PDF, 364.4 KB)
Student Portal (2 files)
Registering for Student Portal (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Student Portal applications explained (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Study Plans (5 files)
Create a new Study Plan (PDF, 476.7 KB)
Edit Study Plans (PDF, 867.1 KB)
Action a Study Plan (PDF, 952.3 KB)
Complete a Study Plan (PDF, 536.8 KB)
Submit a Study Plan (PDF, 490.6 KB)
Syllabuses (1 files)
View syllabuses (PDF, 738.8 KB)
Travel Bookings and Claims (2 files)
Travel bookings (PDF, 764.7 KB)
Travel claims (PDF, 734.5 KB)
VET (11 files)
Initial RTO registration (PDF, 2.3 MB)
View scope of registration (PDF, 673.6 KB)
Ask a VET question (PDF, 871.0 KB)
Add qualification (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Add units (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Remove qualification (PDF, 838.1 KB)
Annual declaration on compliance (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Regulatory action advice (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Change of organisational details (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Renew RTO registration (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Withdraw RTO registration (PDF, 742.4 KB)
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