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Accessing the Kindergarten Transition Statement application

Kindergarten services access the Kindergarten Transition Statement application via the QCAA Portal. The application aligns to the five QKLG learning and development areas and supports:

  • the provision of consistent information to parents/carers and schools about children's learning
  • ease of use and time efficiency for kindergarten teachers.

Before kindergarten services can access the QCAA Portal, they must nominate an access administrator by completing a Access Management Kindergarten Administrator request form. The 'Accessing and managing the Kindergarten Transition Statement application' video supports services to understand the QCAA Portal access process and access management administrator role.

In accordance with Queensland's privacy laws, parents/carers must complete a consent to create form (DOCX, 225.6 KB) before kindergartens can enter a child's personal details into the application. Kindergarten services should retain a copy of the consent form with the transition statement for three years after the child has exited the service.

Consent to create a transition statement is only required when using the Kindergarten Transition Statement application in the QCAA Portal. If parent/carer consent has not been obtained, use the kindergarten transition statement template (DOTX, 87.7 KB) instead.

Primary schools can access transition statements completed for their students via the QCAA Portal. The video 'School access to kindergarten transition statements' outlines the process for schools to access transition statements in the QCAA Portal.

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