The site search facility is available at the top right hand corner of each page. To perform a simple search, type one or more words in the text box and click Search (or press the Enter key). The search is not case-sensitive, so there is no need to use capitals. There is no need to enter words such as "a", "an", "the", or "of"; these words will not improve the results of the search.
Any documents containing all your words will be displayed first, followed by documents that contain some of your words. Each result will include:
- the document title (as a link to the document)
- a summary of the document
- the web address (as a link)
- the size of the document in kilobytes.
Advanced search
The advanced search lets you define more options than a simple search, which can increase the relevance of results. It is available from this search help page. There is also an advanced search link at the top right of every results page.
Search fields
Enter keywords in the appropriate fields to search for pages containing:
- any of the words (one or more)
- all the words
- the phrase (all the words, in the order specified)
- at least one of the words (but the order of results is not influenced by the number matched)
- none of the words (excludes documents containing the specified words).
Document options
These fields can limit your search to documents of a certain type, or within a certain section.
- Format — only returns documents of the file format you specify. The default setting, "any", returns documents of all types, including web pages.
- Within section — only returns documents from the section of the site that you select. The default setting, "any", returns results from the entire website.
Display options
- Results per page — specifies the number of search results to be displayed per page. The default is 10.