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Disclosure log

Right to Information release

The Right to Information Act 2009 commenced on 1 July 2009. Documents released under the Act will be progressively published via our disclosure log.

Date of decision Reference number Number of documents Topic/information requested
15 May 2011 300/1/1/0008 5 Allegations and substantiations of cheating, security breach, protocol breach, guideline breach and administration breach at the 2010 NAPLAN Test.
22 March 2024   3

Proactive release

We are committed to increasing public access to information. We will administratively release information. Please check the Published information available on this site for other proactive releases of information.

Date published Topic/information requested
13 October 2009 2009 National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN): Queensland data on student exemption and special provision/consideration.

How to access released documents

Should you be unable to read or access documents available in PDF format, please email or telephone (07) 3120 6157. We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

To access documents listed in the disclosure log but not available online, please email or telephone (07) 3120 6157. You will need to state the reference number of the documents you wish to access.

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